Correlation of Hydraulic Conductivity and Sonic Velocity in Water-Saturated Tuff
A laboratory study was conducted to investigate the correlation of hydraulic and sonic properties of water-saturated tuff. The hydraulic test used a new rock block testing machine, which...

Laboratory Determined Suction Potential of Topopah Spring Tuff at High Temperatures
The purpose of this work is to experimentally determine the capillary suction potential of Topopah Spring tuff from Yucca Mountain, Nye County, Nevada. This data can be used to help characterize...

Theory of Matrix and Fracture Flow Regimes in Unsaturated, Fractured Porous Media
The flow behavior of a two-dimensional, unsaturated fracture-matrix system is characterized by a critical flux qf*...

Research Program to Develop and Validate Conceptual Models for Flow and Transport Through Unsaturated, Fractured Rock
As part of the Yucca Mountain Project, our research program to develop and validate conceptual models for flow and transport through unsaturated fractured rock integrates fundamental physical...

Variation of Permeability with Temperature in Fractured Topopah Spring Tuff Samples
Fractures will play an important role in the near-field hydrology of a nuclear-waste package in a mined repository. Our previous studies showed that the water permeability of fractured...

Simultaneous Design and Location of Actuators
A chance constrained model for determining optimal dynamic control parameters for structures subjected to probabilistic forcing amplitudes is presented. Optimal feedback control parameters...

Extending GIS Capabilities for Enhanced Sewer System Modeling
A limitation of many sewer system modeling programs is their inability to accept and display graphic data. By the same token, many GIS packages, which handle graphics, aren't...

A Geographic Information System to Support State-Wide Hydrologic Modeling with the SCS-TR-20
A geographic information system (GIS) that is structured for hydrologic analyses has been installed in the Maryland State Highway Administration's (MSHA) Division of Bridge...

Using Off the Shelf Engineering & Business Software for Managing Water Resources, Case Study: Rancho California Water District (RCWD)
The paper presents the use of common engineering and business software packages for the purpose of managing water resources. A case example is presented where an existing water district's...

Application of Kalman Filtering to Groundwater Flow in Finite Heterogeneous Aquifers
A stochastically based methodology using Kalman filtering is presented for the optimal estimation of hydraulic properties in finite heterogeneous aquifers. This is achieved by applying...

The Engineering of Mathematical Models
This paper presents the history of the development of a mathematical estuary hydraulic and an ecology based water quality model, and the problems encountered in transferring use to the...

Urban Storm Drainage Design Hydraulic Principles
Chapter 6 of the manual on Design and Construction of Urban Storm Water Management Systems discusses the hydraulic principles and equations under which drainage system structures must...

Automatic Control of a Sewage Interceptor
This paper presents a control system for the automatic operation of a sewage intercepter with control gates to reduce sewage discharge to the receiving waters. One of the issues of the...

Design Program for Gravity Sanitary Sewers
The Gravity Sewer Design Program Version 2.1 M (GSDP2M) performs the hydraulic design for a conventional gravity sanitary sewer network. GSDP2M is written in standard Fortran 77 for batch...

Drainage Design Criteria: Too Restricted? Too Broad? Too Outdated?
Should drainage design policies be more flexible, leaving the field more open to engineering judgment? Are some policies too loose or broad? Should design criteria more closely reflect...

An Expert System for the Planning and Design of Flood Control Channels
The planning and design of flood control channels often calls for the evaluation of a unique set of physical conditions which do not lend themselves to standard designs. Consequently,...

Challenges in Planning and Design of Drainage Facilities for the Orange County Toll Roads
The Orange County Toll Roads project is a program which includes three modern, high-capacity, limited access highways; the Foothill, San Joaquin Hills and Eastern Transportation Corridors....

Urban Drainage Design Potpourri: Avoiding Pitfalls
In the process of mastering various methods or programs used to estimate storm runoff and flow rates, fundamental principles can be overlooked or even misunderstood. Discussed herein are...

Summary of the National ASCE Task Committee on Costs-Benefits of Various Design Frequencies for Urban Drainage Systems and Flood Control

Applying Benefits-to-Costs Analysis for Stormwater Improvement Projects
Benefit-to-cost analyses provide a measure of evaluation for the justification, selection, and prioritization of stormwater improvement projects. Facing increased competition for tax dollars...





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