A Decision Support System for Water Quality Modeling
A prototype Decision Support System (DSS) has been developed to evaluate the environmental and economic consequences of alternative farming practices. This system was developed to help...

Management of Portland's Combined Sewer System
The City of Portland, Oregon, has embarked upon a two-year program to develop a long-term management program for its combined sewer system. A team of consultants is assisting the City...

Coupled Water-Wastewater Management Issues
The concept of coupled alternatives is an emerging engineering issue in master planning for water resources management. Coupled alternatives involve the concurrent evaluation of water...

Winter Nutrient Losses to Groundwater Associated with Various Tillage Manure Systems
Excessive nutrient leaching to groundwater in agricultural watersheds has initiated research to develop control systems. Loading of nutrients are enhanced during the non-growing season...

Urban Infrastructure: Our Crumbling POTW's
There is a need to address the problem of deferred maintenance at public owned treatment works. While specific data regarding the nations deferred maintenance bill is not available, we...

Properties of Composites Using Recycled Plastics
Recycled poly(ethylene terephthalate), PET, mainly recovered from used plastic beverage bottles, can be used to produce unsaturated polyester resins. Polymer concrete (PC) and polymer...

From Sludge to Brokered Biosolids
At the end of June, a sludge filled barge pulled away from New York harbor for the last time. It traveled more than 100 mi offshore, where workers unloaded some of the 355 dry tons of...

Radiation Energy Treatment of Water, Wastewater and Sludge
A State-of-the-Art Report
Since ionizing radiation is one of the more technologically advanced forms of energy available to society, it has been applied to a great many activities such as: the sterilization of...

Utilization of Waste Materials in Civil Engineering Construction
Industrial growth has increased the volume of wastes generated from energy production, mining, industrial processes and civil works. For economic and related reasons, the use of waste...

Boston's City within a City
The Massachusetts Water Resource Authority's 11-year effort to clean up Boston Harbor is in full swing. The nerve center of the project is Deer Island, a 210 acre site that...

Seismic Assessment of Tailings Dams
A significant portion of the operating and closed large dams in North America are tailings dams used to impound wastes from mining operations. Often these dams were built by mine personnel...

Landfill-Cover Conflict
Last July, EPA's Office of Research and Development (ORD), in Cincinnati held a geosynthetic clay liner (GCL) workshop to discuss the latest technology and regulations for...

Decentralized Wastewater Management
With the discovery earlier this century that city squalor caused disease, we protected ourselves by piping raw wastes away. Later, when the discharge had transformed rivers into foul,...

The USACRREL Underwater Frazil Ice Detector
A modified underwater frazil ice detector has been developed at USACRREL. This detector, which operates remotely, can automatically start deicing procedures and alert operators to the...

Efficiency-Based Monitoring System Design
An analytical Monitoring Efficiency Model (MEMO) is presented to support the design of monitoring well networks at hazardous waste sites. The method simulates the migration of hypothetical...

Modeling in Support of Hanford Site Waste Management
The waste management practices for both radioactive and hazardous wastes at the Hanford Site are designed to comply with all applicable state and federal regulations. Results from numerical...

Design, Permitting and Initial Operation of a 32 Mw Agricultural Waste Fired Power Plant
Independent power producers are playing an increasingly important role in satisfying the electric power requirements of public utilities. Many of the independent power producers rely heavily...

Leachate Flow from an Experimental Fly Ash Landfill
Combustion of coal in large-scale utility boilers produces an ash by-product which is often stored in open landfills. An experimental fly ash landfill was constructed by Pennsylvania Power...

Raising of an Ash Disposal Pond by Hydraulic Filling
Commercial and industrial development around existing power plant waste disposal sites often precludes the ability to expand these sites laterally. Limitations on land availability have...

Ash Disposal at Coal Creek Station
This paper outlines the effort of two utilities to minimize the impact of an 1100 megawatt lignite fired plant's waste stream on the environment. Current regulations, poor...





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