GIS-Integrated Surface Hydrology System
A GIS-based stormwater management system has been developed for the Pasco County Board of County Commissioners. The model draws all spacial data including watershed parameters, network...

Retrofitting a Detention Facility for Improved Quantity Control
Historically, detention facilities in the U.S. were first designed, constructed and operated for the single purpose of flood control. This led to a second phase, in which recreation and...

Performance of Stormwater Ponds and Wetland Systems
The use of stormwater pond and wetland systems to improve the quality of urban stormwater runoff has become an increasingly important strategy to protect streams in developing areas. This...

Adjustment of Groundwater Quality Models
Groundwater quality models have been used lately in solving cases dealing with groundwater flow and pollutant transport problems. Finite element method is used in such problems and is...

Ecological Concerns of Regional vs. On-site Facilities
New federal stormwater regulations are ushering in a second generation of stormwater BMP's. Traditionally designed to achieve quantity control, BMP's are now being evaluated for their...

Comprehensive Stormwater Management Planning
Prince William County, Virginia and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Region III, are implementing an interagency, interdisciplinary stormwater management demonstration project....

Characterizing Storm Water Discharges for NPDES Management
A continuous simulation runoff yield analysis model is described which can be used to estimate runoff from any type of land use within a watershed. Such a model can be used to derive statistical...

Development of an Expert System for Urban Runoff
The U.S. EPA's Storm Water Management Model, SWMM, (Version 4.20, 1988) is a comprehensive water quality and quantity mathematical model for simulation of urban runoff in storm and combined...

Linear Pertubation Model: An Application to Tanzanian Catchments
Floods are still a problem to many countries in the world todate. Floods do cause damage to property and sometimes loss to human life. Flood control measures by structural and non-structural...

Stormwater Management Practices in New Jersey?Suggestions for Improvements
The State of New Jersey, due to large population density and intensive development, has become a frontier in regulating the stormwater runoff. This paper presents an overview of current...

Flow Augmentation in the Fenholloway River Basin
Methods to enhance water quality were examined in a north Florida river basin containing industrial wastewater effluent from a paper pulp mill. Streamflow augmentation was determined to...

The Covington Master Drainage Plan
Located in the southeastern portion of King County, Washington, the 1,240-acre Covington area had been identified in 1985 as an 'urban activity center,' a place designated for regional...

Urban and Agricultural Competition for Water, and Water Reuse
Competition for water can be resolved by construction of more facilities for storing water (dams, groundwater recharge) in wet years for use in dry years, by weather modification, watershed...

Wastewater Treatment and Disposal System for a Vegetable Processing Facility
The authors describe the implementation of a wastewater management system designed to dispose of up to 2.1 million gallons of vegetable processing wastewater generated per day at Bellingham...

A GIS Based, Pilot Scale, Wellhead Protection Project for Southern New Mexico
The 1986 amendments to the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) mandated that each state develop a wellhead protection program. Wellhead protection (WHP) means the protection of groundwater...

USDA Actions to Replace Wildlife Values Lost Due to Irrigation Improvements ? Colorado Salinity Program
USDA is challenged by the conflict generated within the environmental community between advocates wanting irrigation water conservation and water quality improvements and those wanting...

Some Needs for Irrigation Research in Czechoslovakia
In association with the changes in agrarian and social policy in Czechoslovakia under conditions of economic reform, a transformation of agricultural enterprise has been taking place....

Modeling the Distinction Between Regional Flow and Flow to Drains
Previous research at the Newlands Agricultural Research Center, in Fallon, Nevada, suggests that the quality of the water flowing to the 15 subsurface drain laterals in related to the...

Water Distribution Plan Utah Lake/Jordan River Basin
The Utah Lake/Jordan River basin is comprised of several river systems that are hydrologically related but, for the most part, have been managed and operated separately. To further complicate...

Ground Water Management in the Salt Lake Valley, Salt Lake County, Utah
The perfected and approved water right applications in Salt Lake Valley could potentially withdraw from the principal aquifer a quantity of water far greater than the annual recharge....





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