Joint Usage of Utility and Transportation Corridors
The problems and experiences of engineers working on transportation corridors are explored through 12 papers presented at a conference of the ASCE Pipeline Division. Corridors involve...

Vacuum Sewers�� the Future for Sewage Collection�
Patented in the 19th Century, vacuum sewers are making a comeback. Vacuum is created and maintained at a central collection station and extended, through a network of collecting pipes,...

List of Sources and Reference Material on Pipeline Design
Sources of information and reference material on pipeline design are listed. The bibliography is compiled for engineers with limited experience in the pipeline field, and the references...

Symposium on Deep Foundations
Twenty-six case histories on the design, installation and performance of deep foundations are included. The emphasis is on testing and field data. Deep foundations are explored in cretaceous...

New Approach to Storm Drainage Pipe Design
Using a recently developed computer program, drainage swales can be designed to provide short-term storage of stormwater. Benefits of this approach to stormwater management include reduced...

How about Reverse Filters
Reverse or inverted filters allow water to drain freely without carrying away suspended solids. Their pore size must be properly related to the fines being protected. Terzaghi's...

World's Tallest Offshore Platform Stands in 1025 Ft of Water
During the summer and fall of 1977 and 1978, Shell Oil installed the world's deepest drilling and production platform in water. Located in 1025-ft of water at the Cognac tract...

Jacked Pipe Provides Roof for Underground Construction in Busy Urban Area
Construction of a major underground station for the metro in Antwerp, Belgium was done in a busy downtown area employing a method that virtually eliminated ground subsidence. The method...

Intermediate Service Levels in Water Distribution
This paper is concerned with design standards for secondary water distribution networks. Based on field studies in the Middle East and Africa, mathematical equations were developed for...

What Contractors Think About Prefabricated Piping
Among 190 of the largest users of pipe, 77% now use large-scale prefabricated piping. These users report an average saving, using prefabricated pipe versus conventional pipe, of 23%. Before...

Citizen Participation for Successful Village Water Supply
In developing nations, two keys to the success of village water supply projects are citizen planning and the use of the appropriate technology. The two are related. Involvement of citizens...

Reservoir Outlet Extended Above Silt to Prevent Clogging
Accumulation of silt in an on-stream water storage reservoir almost completely buried the concrete tower originally provided as an outlet intake shaft for releasing stored water through...

Alternatives to End-of-Pipe Treatment
End-of-pipe treatment must be replaced by innovative, in-process changes if industrial plants are to creatively meet the upcoming 1983 EPA pollution control requirements. By-product recovery,...

Minnesota Interceptor Sewer Breaks New Ground
The Beltline Interceptor is a gravity interceptor sanitary sewer which has its outlet in St. Paul and its beginning in White Bear Lake. Major requirements called for a design which would...

An Experience in Standardization of Nuclear Power Plants
This article outlines successful efforts at design of five standardized nuclear units, in four different states in the U.S.A., for a group of five utilities. The Standard Power Block,...

Concentric Waste-Treatment Plant Saves Land
An activated-sludge treatment plant in Camden, N.Y. has several innovations: the principal one is the use of concentric tanks�� as distinct from the usual way of having separate, isolated...

Plastic Filter Fabrics Have Bright Future
There are thousands of existing installations using filter fabrics in North America and additional thousands in Europe, most built in the past 10 years. The momentum is gathering. Filter...

Paul Bunyan Among Offshore Steel Structures
The world's two largest drydocks, the larger 1,150 x 800 ft in plan were used to assemble on land the four steel jackets. They now stand in the North Sea in about 400-ft of...

Inverted Filter Stabilizes Soil, Stops Erosion
The inverted filter concept was invented by Karl Terzaghi to prevent dams from failing by water piping through the foundation. Laboratory and field testing have refined the necessary specifications...

Gabions, Perforated Pipe and Gravel Serve as Fish Screens
A type of structure to prevent juvenile salmon from diverting to irrigation ditches has been developed on the Merced River in central California. It was built after cost considerations...





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