The Transrapid Maglev System
The Transrapid 300 mph (500 km/hr) magnetically levitated transportation system is ready for revenue application and is under consideration for several sites in the U.S. The maglev system...

Lifelike Model
Data from about 400 structures in the San Francisco Bay Area were recorded during the 7.1 Richter-scale Loma Prieta quake. Among these structures was a 49-story office tower in downtown...

Natural Resource Problem Solving: an Interdisciplinary Approach in Coastal Louisiana
Ecological issues such as coastal wetland loss cannot be adequately addressed by experts in any one particular discipline. After extensive consultation with wetland users and regulators,...

Streambank Inventory and Protection Soldotna Reach, Kenai River, Alaska
This paper discusses bank conditions found along the Kenai River within the city of Soldotna in Alaska. River banks were inventoried in May 1990 by USDA Soil Conservation Service (SCS)...

Results from Minerals Management Service Funded Oil Spill Response Research 1991-1993
Large oil spills from tankers have reaffirmed the need for continuing technology assessment and research to improve oil spill response capabilities. This paper discusses Minerals Management...

Effectiveness of Wetland Regulation in San Diego County, California
This study evaluated the cumulative impacts to wetlands permitted by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and California Department of Fish and Game in San Diego County, California between...

Subsidence Properties of Holocene Sediments: S. La.
As part of a comprehensive USGS-sponsored study of processes that drive subsidence and wetland loss in south Louisiana, two continuously cored deep borings (60 m and 72 m) were acquired...

An Ongoing Field Study to Evaluate the Impacts and Direct Effects of Offshore Dreding Activities on Benthic Organisms
Instrumentation and sampling involve box coring, otter trawling, the use of a towed sled carrying video camera, and a sidescan sonar device. The baseline collection phase of the study...

Laboratory Testing of an Artificial Reef Erosion Control Device
A physical model study has been conducted to examine the effectiveness of a concrete artificial reef in limiting offshore, storm-induced sand loss from a nourished beach. The experiment...

Federal Damage Assessments in New England After the Halloween '91 Northeaster
The unusually long period waves which characterized the storm of 30-31 October 1991 caused it to be one of the most destructive storms to impact the New England coastline. To assess emergency...

A Checklist Assessment of Dune Vulnerability and Protection in Devon and Cornwall, UK
Various indices have been utilised as a measure of dune vulnerability both to natural and anthropogenic forces. To date most have had little success with respect to quantitatively assessing...

Smoke Plumes From In Situ Burning of Oil Spills
Mesoscale pool fire experiments with effective diameters up to 17.2 m were conducted to obtain data on the characteristics of burning crude oil on water. These experiments showed that...

Data Collection Program for the Design of a Wetlands Restoration Project
In this paper, a data collection program developed for wetland restoration projects in Southern California is described. The program will include itemized parameters in a checklist-type...

Pitzunda Peninsula Coast Dynamics
The dynamics of Pitzunda Peninsula during last 100 years is examined in this paper. The process of sediment shift and coastline evolution during last 30 years is considered in detail....

Development of the Double Cylinder Caisson Breakwater
A double cylinder caisson breakwater was recently developed to create a calm sea area in deep and high wave open sea areas. In order to confirm some subjects on design method and construction...

Field Implementation and Testing of a Machine Vision Based Incident Detection System
This paper contains test results of a video detection device installed in the field for over two years and the development and field deployment of an incident detection sysytems called...

Motorist Aid Systems ? Intelligent Roadside Controllers
Advanced technology call boxes, employing a variety of communications networks and embedded microprocessors, have brought a new level of functionality and extensibility to motorists aid...

Univeral System Architecture ? Based on European Field Trials
From the ongoing major IVHS/RIT operational field tests in Europe and taking into account the results of the 3 years Berlin field trial LISB it can be assumed that the winning communications...

Simulation-Based Training for Transportation Management Center (TMC) Operators
Effective simulation-based training for Transportation Management Center (TMC) operators enables operators to make the best use of their TMC and thereby to improve the efficiency and safety...

Infiltration in Two Sand Dune Areas in Saudi Arabia
Field infiltration experiments at several locations in two sand dune areas in Saudi Arabia were conducted. Results of these field tests are compared with predictions of the Green and Ampt...





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