Advanced Heavy Vehicle Management Systems
This paper describes a program designed to bring to bear emerging technologies in an integrated system to facilitate heavy vehicle management (HVM). One major initiative is the Heavy Vehicle...

Advanced Vehicle Command and Control System
The Advanced Vehicle Command and Control System (AVCCS) is being developed to solve capacity problems on major urban highways using automation and current technology. The objective of...

Roadside Safety Design for the Micro-Mini Vehicles
This paper summarizes the results of a study to evaluate the impact performance of widely used roadside safety elements for a 1,500 lb vehicle and to identify potential modifications that...

CARTS: Next Generation in Vehicle Safety Research
The California Automotive Research Test Site (CARTS), is a new joint test facility for use by the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) and the University of California at...

Application in the 21st Century of Today's Technology in Resolving Congestion
Traffic engineers of the 21st century will have a number of new tools to attack traffic congestion. High technology solutions will begin to emerge as means of increasing the effectiveness...

Future Driver and Vehicle Characteristics and Their Influence on Highway Design for Safety
Both driver and vehicle characteristics are changing, and these characteristics will continue to change into the 21st century. The purpose of this paper is to identify the major changes...

Monitoring for Hazardous Waste Leaks
It is safer and cheaper to keep hazardous wastes out of the groundwater and the ground than to remove them. But better monitoring will be required. In this three-part article, the first...

Courting Public Opinion
Promoting good community relations is an integral part of hazardous waste projects. Before field investigations are conducted, neighboring communities should be advised of the proposed...

Control of Groundwater Contamination: Case Studies
Engineered solutions to groundwater contamination problems are being proposed at many hazardous waste sites, yet the effectiveness and long-term reliability of many of these proposed solutions...

When to Remediate: Remediation or Reparations
The 1986 reauthorization of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (Superfund) forcefully stated Congress' desire to see our nations hazardous...

Physical and Chemical Treatment of Contaminated Groundwater at Hazardous Waste Sites
In selecting an appropriate groundwater treatment system, three steps are normally followed. 1. A groundwater investigation is performed to determine the types and concentrations of contaminants...

Federal-State Conflicts & A 12-Mile Territorial Sea
The growing tension between coastal states and the federal government can be lessened by amending the 1953 Submerged Lands Act to give coastal states a 12-mile territorial sea. For equitable...

An Effective Multicultural Coastal Management Program
The theme of the paper referred to in this abstract is that coastal management programs, in multicultural environments, are effective only to the degree they are accepted and supported...

Changing Waterfront Uses on the River Clyde, Scotland: A Preliminary Survey
The River Clyde in Scotland was renowned for its shipbuilding and shipping facilities. However, dislocations combined with government policy have forced since the early 1960's...

Coastal Zone Management Plan Development in Malaysia: Issues and Possible Sollutions
Over the last few decades Malaysia has undergone fairly rapid rates of economic growth, characterised by high level of resource exploitation, without due consideration given to the environmental...

Living with the Shore: Hazard Mitigation through Education
In 1977, the authors began the task of producing summary texts for all mainland open-ocean coastal states as well as Chesapeake Bay, Puget Sound, and Lakes Erie and Michigan. On completion,...

Waste Concentration Effects of Grout Barriers
Great concern has developed over hazardous waste sites, particularly in the leaching of the hazardous wastes into groundwater supplies. Many sites that are considered contaminated and...

Evaluation of Waste Disposal Sites Using Geotox
GEOTOX is a knowledge-based expert system designed to assist in the identification and classification of waste disposal sites. Existing methodologies such as formal or qualitative risk...

Quake Resistant Transport
An approach which begins by assessing the vulnerability of a transportation system's key components can help transportation engineers plan for and limit earthquake damage....

Comparison of Some River Discharge Calculation Methods
To measure the discharge of a river, it is necessary to develop a stage-discharge curve based on water velocity at various cross sections of the river. This is the method which is used...





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