Boston Harbor Management: Issues, Structure, and Directions
Alarming reports of massive pollution, highly publicized legal challenges and even Presidential political campaign accusations, all helped earn Boston Harbor a world wide reputation during...

Argentina: Advances on Coastal Management
This paper updates the description and analysis of coastal management strategies and institutional arrangements as practiced in Argentina at national, provincial and municipal levels....

Evolution and Dynamics of the Chilka Lake
The Chilka Lake, the largest coastal lagoon in Asia, has occupied a possible tectonic depression along the east coast of India. Although the open sea coast was along the western margin...

CANUSLANT?An Evolving-Marine Pollution Contingency Plan
The progress of CANUSLANT exercises to data is addressed in this paper. This exercise model can be used to initiate or improve Marine Pollution Contingency planning....

Coastal Zone Management in Atlantic Canada: Developing the Necessary Regional Infrastructure
This paper focuses on the incremental development of a coastal zone management (CZM) constituency in the Atlantic Region and in particular on the recent establishment of the Atlantic Coastal...

The Changjiang (Yangtze) River Delta: A Review
The Changjiang river delta is the best studied one in China in terms of hydrology, sedimentology and evolution history. The construction of Pudong New Area in Shanghai in the 1990s has...

Preliminary Study on Impacts of Sea Level Rise and Response Strategies in Japan
This paper presents the outline of the study carried out by a Japanese committee on the impacts of and response options to the anticipated sea level rise and climate change induced by...

A Study of the Water Environment Improvement about Fishing Villages
In recent years water pollution has become a serious problem in anchorage and other sea areas, as a result of residential waste water from hinterland fishing communities of fishing ports,...

Hydrology of Wetland Treatment Systems in East Orange County, Florida
Wetlands are increasingly being used as final treatment systems for industrial and domestic wastewater effluent discharges and stormwater runoff discharges. Hydrological monitoring and...

Ecohydrological Processes in Almost Flat Wetlands
In spite of their modest relief almost flat wetlands are able to maintain definite topographically driven groundwater flow systems. Large seepage areas create ecohydrological gradients...

Infiltration into Thick Unsaturated Alluvial Deposits: A Preliminary Study
An infiltration and dye transport study in an unsaturated alluvial deposit was conducted using a square flooding type infiltrometer over a 50 hour period. Red and blue dyes were added...

The Use of Geographic Information Systems and Models on Personal Computer and Workstation Platforms, in the Development of a Wellhead Protection Program, Salinas Valley, California
The Salinas Valley is located on California's Central Coast. The ground water basin supports 850,000,000 M2 of irrigated crops which have a market...

GIS Landscape?A Solution for Wellhead Protection
Wellhead protection is an emerging issue for water suppliers based largely on the 1986 Amendments to the Federal Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA). State governments are developing wellhead...

Uptake of Contaminants by Overland Flow
A mathematical model is developed for the uptake of contaminants by overland flow. The model is based on the numerical solution of the Navier-Stokes equations coupled with a two-equation...

Nonpoint Source Pollution Model for Agricultural and Rural Watersheds
A dynamic hydrologic and nonpoint source pollution simulation model for agricultural and rural watersheds; capable of simulating rainfall-runoff, soil erosion, sediment transport, mixing...

Urban Nonpoint Pollution Control Kettering Demonstration Project
The development of effective nonpoint pollution control programs has become one of the most complex challenges facing local and state authorities. Because of the multifarious nature of...

Irrigation, Agrichemicals and the Environmental Impact, the Role of Hydrologic Non-Point Source Models
The importance of pollution loads from agricultural lands and the degradation of soils and water resources has brought about extensive efforts throughout the environmental and agricultural...

Lake-Level Declines in Karst Lake During Droughts
Lake-level declines in Brooklyn Lake, a karst lake in north-central Florida, have been investigated. Below average rainfall, vertical leakage to the underlying aquifer system, declining...

A Review of Fluid Movement in Compacted Clay: The Case of Macropore Flow
In constructing natural hydraulic barriers to infiltration, a typical design is one founded on the use of layers of compacted clay. Unfortunately, in analyzing the hydraulic performance...

Kinematic Mixing in Stratified Aquifers
The mixing process in heterogeneous aquifers is presented as the bending and stretching of material lines. A linear mixing efficiency is defined in terms of the mean values of a unit length...





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