Estimating Urban Flood-Frequency Characteristics
Methods in use by the U.S. Geological Survey to estimate flood-frequency characteristics for urban watersheds are compared with estimates based on the Soil Conservation Service TR-55 model....

Urban Watershed Data for the United States
The contents of an urban watershed data base compiled for a national urban flood-frequency study by the U.S. Geological Survey are described. The data base includes information for 269...

Effect of Errors in Rainfall Measurements on Real-Time Forecasting Via On-Line Conceptual Models
The paper analyzes the issue of the choice between off-line and on-line use of lumped conceptual models for real-time flood forecasting. The effects of the adaptive use in the presence...

Probabilities of Hydrologic Extremes and Risk Analysis
Extreme floods of very low probabilities, e.g., 10-6 and 10-7, are estimated using data on annual flood peaks...

Risk-Cost Principles for Dam Safety Analysis
The purpose of this paper is to present the principles and issues of risk-cost analysis as they have evolved in the evaluation of dam safety improvements. The paper also reviews some results...

Extreme Flood Probability Estimates in Practice
Selecting the safety design flood for a dam or siting structures where flooding would cause severe social or economic disruption requires balancing the likelihood and consequences of failure...

The Estimation of Extreme Floods in Brazil
In Brazil, the design flood of a large dam is calculated using either the Probable Maximum Flood criteria or the 10,000-year Flood. Recently a Guidebook has been written to help Brazilian...

Estimation of the Probability of a Precipitation Event Occurring Over a Specified Watershed
A methodology is proposed for making rational flood control decisions when the physical characteristics of the upstream watershed are known and the characteristics of the extreme precipitation...

Hydraulic Design of Mud Mountain Dam Outlet Works Modifications
Mud Mountain Dam is a single-purpose flood control project located on the White River in western Washington State. The existing flood control outlet works consist of an upstream controlled...

Cocohatchee River Basin Study
The report presents the modeling of the Cocohatchee River basin, including 2-D routings for wetland regimes, hydrologic/hydraulic analyses of the agricultural and suburban land uses, and...

Santa Ana River Project Overview
The Santa Ana River Project, authorized for construction by the Water Resources Development Act of 1986, is designed to provide urban flow protection to the growing communities in Orange,...

Lower Santa Ana River Hydraulic Design for Levee Overtopping
The purpose of overtopping or freeboard design is to minimize damages and catastrophic failure from floodwaters overtopping levees. This case study is presented to show the approach taken...

1-D and 2-D Analysis of Flood Plain Encroachment
The paper reports on a study into the effects of a local encroachment in a broad regular flood plain. The results of a one-dimensional analysis were compared with the results of an equivalent...

Application of Geographic Information Systems for Flood Risk Mapping
This paper presents an overview of the Federal Emergency Management Agency's (FEMA) efforts to automate flood risk mapping performed in support of the National Flood Insurance Program...

A Rational Approach to Selecting an Optimal Design Storm for Flood Control
A rational methodology is presented herein for determining the optimal design storm frequency when planning for flood protection in new urban areas. The technique was developed from an...

Real-Time Water Control Plan for a Flood Control Reservoir
A reservoir operation plan is prepared for a single-purpose flood control reservoir. Real-time precipitation data recorded at the dam is utilized to control the reservoir gate operations....

Risk Assessment of System of Dams
The application of risk assessment to a series of dams on a river is presented here. A general discussion of the basic principles of risk assessment approach to dam engineering is given...

The Lower Mississippi River and the Coriolis Force
Weather patterns and large bodies of water respond to the forces generated by the earth's rotation. A large north-south flowing river, such as the Lower Mississippi River,...

Applicability of Several Common Methods of Debris Estimation
In southern California, the Tatum method and the Los Angeles County Flood Control District procedures have been widely used to estimation debris production rates. To evaluate the applicability...

Deposition at a New Dam Near Mount St. Helens
A sediment retention structure (SRS) is being constructed on the North Fork Toutle River in the state of Washington to trap sediments eroding off the 1980 Mount St. Helens debris avalanche....





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