Managing the Columbia River to Meet Anadromous Fish Requirements
According to northwest fishery agencies and Indian tribes the protection for juvenile salmon and steelhead is not adequate. The Northwest Power Planning Council, formed as the result of...

Hydropower and Fish Passage Impacts
The Pacific Northwest Electric Power Planning and Conservation Act (Act) of 1980 formed the Northwest Power Planning Council, which establishes criteria and sets goals for developing future...

Evaluation of Hydro Facilities for Sale to Another Utility
STS Hydropower had been contacted by a major industrial client near one of the STS regional offices for the purpose of evaluating both the technical and financial status of several operating...

Bonneville I Powerhouse Station Service Unit Rehabilitation
This paper presents the work being done towards the rehabilitation of the Bonneville I station service unit. The rehabilitation of this unit includes a generator rewind, excitation system...

Vertical Axis Hydro Turbines for Off Grid Installations
This paper describes the design, manufacture and testing of a 5 kW floating VAHT for use in tidal, ocean, and river installations. This work is based on the results of research contracts...

Retrofitting of Hydro Electric Generators with Bus Fed Solid State Excitation Systems
The Northern Hydro Division has completed retrofitting the excitation systems on 22 generating units ranging in output from 1 to 95 MWatts. The Big Creek Hydro Project upgraded these systems...

Trouble-Shooting Large Hydroturbine Bearings
Special problems associated with very large thrust and guide bearings and lubrication systems are presented, and cover common trouble spots, with examples. Various large hydroturbine bearing...

Hydroelectric Generator Rewinding Pitfalls and Means to Ensure Success
The failure or success of generator rewinding begins well before the actual rewind, and many of the pitfalls can be avoided if owners take some very important steps prior to the rewind...

Problems Associated with Large Hydro Generators
Since the early 1950s, hydro generators have increased in size from the 50 MVA range to much larger units employed today, many of which are in excess of 500 MVA. Such a tenfold increase...

Optimizing Joint Load Control for Hydroelectric Plants
This paper discusses a method to minimize water usage at a multi-turbine hydroelectric generating plant. At plants which do not spill water this optimization is directly converted to extra...

Electrical and Mechanical Design, Commissioning, and Performance of the Moose River Hydroelectric Project
The Moose River Hydroelectric Project is a single-unit run-of-river hydroelectric facility located near Lyonsdale, New York, and was developed by a private firm. The generating equipment...

Understanding Generator Static Excitation System
This paper explains some of the basic terms and features associated with a static excitation system (SES) to enable non-specialists to specify it according to their requirements. A simple...

Replacement of Computer Control at John Day Powerhouse
One of the first projects chosen by the Corps of Engineers for computer control was the John Day Project on the Columbia River. John Day powerhouse was completed in 1971 and has 16 generators...

Devil Canyon Powerplant Enlargement Project: Electrical Design Problems and Challenges
Devil Canyon Powerplant is a hydroelectric plant facility of the huge California Water Project. This powerplant is located 5 miles north of San Bernandino. It is currently being enlarged...

Distributed Control Applications for Utility Hydroelectric Plants
In 1984, Washington Water Power began a program to improve monitoring and control systems for hydroelectric plants. The control systems being improved with distributed control equipment...

Programmable Logic Controller Based Governor/Plant Controller
This paper discusses the performance characteristics of the programmable logic controllers (PLC's) is based governor, particularly speed resolution and response times. The...

Uprating, Modernization and Automation of a Vertical Francis Turbine Generating Unit
The power demands of the Boise Cascade Paper Mill in Rumford, Maine are partially satisfied by two hydro-generating plants located in the near vicinity. In 1984 several factors prompted...

Pit Turbines, an Economical Solution for Low Heads
The paper describes the experience with pit turbine design and construction at the 8 MW St. Cloud facility located on the Mississippi River in Minnesota. Major topics in the paper include...

65 MW Bulb Turbine Generating Unit for Tadami Project
The Tadami Hydro-electric Power Project (Tadami Project) of the Electric Power Development Co., Ltd. (EPDC) - Japan is now under construction and is scheduled to be in commercial operation...

The High Line Canal Hydroelectric Project: Micro Hydro for a Macro Utility
The High Line Canal Hydroelectric Project is rated at 530 kilowatts (kW), and features benefits that accrue due to relatively low costs of $2,100 per installed kW, average annual energy...





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