Radionuclide Migration as a Function of Mineralogy
The migration of radionuclides is studied as a function of mineralogy utilizing batch sorption and column experiments. The transport behavior of alkaline, alkaline-earth, and transition...

Design and Operation of a Monitored Retrievable Storage Facility Using NUHOMS? Technology
The NUHOMS dry storage system for spent fuel is now in use at two Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installations (ISFSIs) and a third is under construction. This system can be used for economical...

Disposal of Vitrified Waste in an Unsaturated Environment
An experimental program is described wherein the effect of important independent variables on glass reaction under conditions that may exist for unsaturated storage is examined. The effect...

Durability, Mechanical, and Thermal Properties of Experimental Glass-Ceramic Forms for Immobilizing ICPP High Level Waste
The high-level liquid waste generated at the Idaho Chemical Processing Plant (ICPP) is routinely solidified into granular calcined high-level waste (HLW) and stored onsite. A research...

Effect of HNO3-Cerium(IV) Decontamination on Stainless Steel Canister Materials
Stainless steel canisters will be filled with vitrified radioactive waste at the West Valley Demonstration Project (WVDP), West Valley, NY. After they are filled, the sealed canisters...

Mechanistic Interpretation of Glass Reaction: Input to Kinetic Model Development
Actinide-doped SRL 165 type glass was reacted in J-13 groundwater at 90?C for times up to 278 days. The reaction was characterized by both solution and solid analyses. The glass was seen...

Exclusion of Foreign Materials from the Savannah River Site (SRS) Canistered Waste Forms: Characterization of the Gas within the Free Volume
Glass-filled canisters, produced at the SRS Defense Waste Processing facility, must meet the Waste Acceptance Preliminary Specifications (WAPS) developed by DOE's Office of...

Economic and Technical Advantages of High-Temperature Processes in High-Level Radioactive Waste Management
The estimated waste management costs incurred for the three principal waste forms produced by reprocessing spent fuel are compared from a theoretical economic standpoint. The cost of vitrifying...

Behaviour of Plutonium, Rare Earth Elements and Elements of the Platinum Group in Vitreous Phosphate Composites During Liquid HLW Vitrification
The methods of ?-spectrometry, ?-scanning, ?-radiography, optical microscopy, x-ray phase and x-ray fluorescent analyses were used to study the behaviour of Pu, La, Ce, Nd, Sm, Ru, Rh,...

Potential Uses of Lead in Nuclear Waste Disposal
In order for lead to be considered as a nuclear waste packaging material, it must be shown that it has adequate corrosion resistance, and that it does not degrade the properties of other...

Future Supply of, and Demand for, Titanium, Copper and Lead
A literature survey has been conducted to assess the future world supply of, and demand for, titanium, copper and lead. These metals are candidates for the fabrication of containers for...

The Chemical Stockpile Intergovernmental Consultation Program: Lessons for High Level Waste Public Involvement
This paper assesses the appropriateness of the U.S. Army's Chemical Stockpile Disposal Program's (CSDP) Intergovernmental Consultation and Coordination Boards...

Validation of Source-Term Models Using Natural Analogues
A comparison is made between the predicted distribution of copper calculated by the AREST source-term code and the measured profiles for copper surrounding a bronze cannon that was emplaced...

Scoping Experimental Analysis of Factors Affecting Cask Contamination Weeping
One issue of particular concern to both the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) and the US Department of Energy (DOE) involves the control of in-transit 'weeping'...

Looking Out for the Ratepayer
The national high level nuclear waste management program has reached a crisis. The Department of Energy is ready to proceed with underground testing, but they are prevented from doing...

Apparent and Simple Diffusion Coefficients in Compacted Bentonite
Diffusion coefficients were experimentally determined in bentonite to evaluate the effectiveness of bentonite layers as a diffusion barrier to ionic transport away from high-level radioactive...

An Analysis of Buffering in Bentonite-Groundwater Systems
Chemical buffering by bentonite can potentially simplify assessments of the performance of engineered barriers to radionuclide migration by decoupling near-field and far-field geochemical...

A Preliminary Evaluation of the Ability of From-Reactor Casks to Geometrically Accommodate Commercial LWR Spent Nuclear Fuel
The Department of Energy has sponsored a number of cask design efforts to define several transportation casks to accommodate the various assemblies expected to be accepted by the Federal...

Dry Spent Fuel Storage in the 1990's
In the United States, for the decade of the 1990's, at-reactor-site dry spent fuel storage has become the predominant option outside of reactor spent fuel pools. This development...

Interim Storage of Solidified High Level Wastes
Indian approach to the problem of interim storage of vitrified high level wastes, indicating design philosophy adopted for air cooled vault at Tarapur has been described. Important design...





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