Effectiveness of Extended Detention Ponds
Field and laboratory studies of the performance of detention facilities for the removal of selected pollutants from urban stormwater were conducted. The laboratory studies consisted of...

Design and Effectiveness of Urban Retention Basins
Retention basins are recommended by practicing engineers and regulatory agencies for stormwater management in new land developments. They may require considerable space which limits their...

Regional BMP Master Plans
This paper summarizes some important considerations and procedures for developing comprehensive nonpoint pollution management plans relying upon regional facilities. The advantages and...

Cost of Urban Runoff Quality Controls
This paper attempts to provide guidance in the evaluation, selection and planning of various BMPs by comparing their costs and cost-effectiveness, in terms of pollutant removal capabilities....

Detention and Retention Controls for Urban Runoff
The operating principle for retention devices is the interception and capture of runoff, preventing its direct release to surface waters. The most common mechanism by which captured runoff...

Workshops on Research and Future Activities Needs
During the conference, a questionnaire listing proposed topical areas was given to participants, along with instructions to indicate their first three preferences and to propose additional...

Case Studies of Need-Based Quality-Quantity Control Projects
This paper briefly describes several nonpoint source (NPS) pollution control projects motivated largely by local need, not by government regulatory and funding programs. The case studies...

Lognormality of Point and Non-Point Source Pollutant Concentrations
This paper presents a series of probability plots of water quality data from a variety of discharge sources. It is intended to provide a visual display of the appropriateness of characterizing...

Estimation of Pollution from Highway Runoff?Initial Results
One of the first tasks in the present effort was to assemble a data base of highway runoff characteristics. In the paper that data base is described, the data are summarized, and best...

Social and Environmental Objectives in Water Resources Planning and Management
Social and environmental goals and objectives are continually changing and difficult to quantify. Consequently, water resources planners and managers find it difficult to maintain currency...

Global Water Issues
Five critical global water-related issues are discussed. First is the issue of climatic changes and drought. Unfortunately, the opportunities to construct major irrigation projects are...

Risk-Based Decision Making in Water Resources
This book includes papers presented at the Engineering Foundation conference on Risk-Based Decision Making in Water Resources and at a session at the ASCE National Convention in Boston....

Facility Location and Land Use
The Urban/Rural Dilemma
Most land use planning techniques focus on large metropolitan areas, with relatively little attention paid to smaller communities. Recent issues such as nuclear power plant location, water...

Urban Runoff Quality
Impact and Quality Enhancement Technology
This book contains the papers presented at the Engineering Foundation Conference, Urban Runoff Quality, held June 22-27, 1986 in Henniker, New Hampshire. Topics covered include data needs...

Boston's Water Resource Development
Past, Present, and Future
This volume contains five papers describing diverse aspects of water supply, water power, and wastewater disposal in eastern Massachusetts. Three papers discuss Boston's water...

The Historical Development of Boston's Water Supply System
Boston, one of the oldest cities in the United States, has one of the oldest public water supply systems, dating back to 1652. The system was developed and expanded incrementally in response...

James B. Francis and the Northern Canal
Lowell became America's first great industrial city because of the power of the Pawtucket Falls and the efforts of an amazing group of engineers, industrialists, and workers....

Leak Detection Is Just a Piece of the Pie
This paper emphasizes that leak detection is part of the proper management techniques that must be used to control unaccounted-for water. In order to effectively understand the pieces...

Cleaning the Nut Island Outfalls
As an early component of a comprehensive program to reduce pollution in Boston Harbor, two 80-year-old cast-iron outfalls, each 60 inches in diameter and a mile long were cleaned in a...

Boston's Future Water Supply
The Massachusetts Water Resources Authority is responsible for planning and providing water to metropolitan Boston. Recent state legislation directs that conservation, development of local...





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