Plant Modernization and its Role in the Efficient Use of Water Resources
Engineers and hydrologists alike are challenged with the task of developing hydro projects which satisfy a broad spectrum of criteria. Specific criteria employed by resource agencies and...

Developing a Workable Public Input Process for Aesthetics and Recreational Needs During Hydropower Licensing
Aesthetics and recreation are becoming increasingly important issues during hydropower licensing. A variety of regulations and legislation mandate the protection of instream flows for...

Identifying the True Issues of Hydropower Resource Development in an Era of Public and Regulatory Policy Transition
The last several years have produced changes in public and regulatory policy that have provided for increased roles and participation of resource agencies, Native Americans, and the public...

Sno Water Led Coordinated Water System Planning
The designation of a Critical Water Supply Service Area (CWSSA) which leads to Coordinated Water Planning evolved from problems recognized much earlier. Regional water suppliers in Snohomish...

3 Counties Coordinated Water System Plans
The Coordinated Water System Plan (CWSP) process is a state mandated management tool created to get agencies and utilities to jointly address problems of current and domestic/municipal...

A Satellite Water System Program in Snohomish County, Washington
The Snohomish County Public Utility District No. 1 (PUD) has developed a Program for management of small public water systems. The Satellite Water System Management Program (SWSMP) is...

The Department of Health's Role in Implementing the Coordination Act in North Snohomish County
A coordinated water system plan in north Snohomish County resulted in development of uniform minimum design standards, a decrease in the number of new small water systems and regional...

Ecological Considerations in Groundwater Management
A wide variety of potential effects of groundwater management on terrestrial vegetation and aquatic biota are described and illustrated with examples from California....

Coupled Simulation-Optimization Approach to Wellhead Protection Area Delineation to Minimize Contamination of Public Ground-Water Supplies
A loosely coupled simulation-optimization procedure is used to determine the steady-state pumping rates for individuals wells in a multiple well municipal wellfield that result in the...

Assessment of TCE Concentration in South Tucson Water Network
This paper summarizes a study that estimated trichloroethylene (TCE) contamination patterns in a portion of the Tucson water distribution network due to several polluted wells. Aspects...

Groundwater Contaminant Transport at a Hazardous Waste Disposal Site, Pullman, Washington
Groundwater contamination at a hazardous waste site near Pullman, Washington is simulated by a numerical model. The aquifer at the site is classified as an unconfined valley aquifer. Solute...

Investigation and Rehabilitation of the Moses Lake Larson Wellfield
In 1988, low levels of trichloroethylene (TCE) were detected in several of the Larson wells operated by the City of Moses Lake. The wells are up to 800 feet deep and are completed in fractured...

Optimal Strategy for Aquifer Remediation
A methodology for the restoration and cleanup of existing subsurface contaminated sites and for the contaminant of pollutants is developed. The remediation problem is posed as an optimization...

Optimum Operation of Recharge Basins
Mathematical models based on nonlinear programming are developed for operating recharge basin systems. The objective of these optimization models is to determine the operation policy that...

Artificial Recharge to Manage Groundwater Quality in a Connected Surface Water Groundwater System
Finite difference method is used to formulate the management problem of movement of water and solute in a connected surface water groundwater system. Pumped groundwater quality of conservative...

The Strategic Development of a Sole Source Aquifer to Improve Water Quality While Minimizing Environmental Impact
A water supply project is currently underway which prevents future degradation of a sole source aquifer while providing a groundwater resource with limited usage restrictions. Salt water...

Developing, Managing, and Protecting Urban Aquifers in the Pacific Northwest
Water purveyors in the Puget Sound region have applied a variety of innovative techniques to effectively manage urban groundwater supplies from a quantity and quality perspective. Two...

Large-Scale Conjunctive Use of the San Gabriel Basin: An Environmentally Beneficial Water Supply Project
The 170-square-mile San Gabriel Basin in Los Angeles County, California, has commanded the attention of both water supply and environmental agencies because: (1) it is an idyllic natural...

Strategies for Developing Major Capital Facilities
Siting, permitting, and mitigating impacts present many challenges during the development of major capital facilities. As a result of the need for public involvement, environmental review,...

The West Point Story?Chapter 1: Overview and Planning
The West Point wastewater treatment plant is the Seattle metropolitan area's largest wastewater treatment plant, and it is being upgraded to provide secondary treatment. The planning,...





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