Stream Width Adjustment to Upstream Loading
Channel width adjustments takes place either by fluvial erosion or accretion of the banks, or by their mass failure under gravity and subsequent removal of the slump debris. Simulation...

PC MODEL BRESSED for Stochastic Prediction of Reservoir Sedimentation
A stochastic flow-storage/sediment-deposition model was written in BASIC with userfriendly features. It is an augmented version of the FORTRAN program RESSED (REServoir SEDimentation)...

Refined Modeling to Estimate Sediment Discharge
Numerical solution of the two-dimensional turbulent flow over a train of identical dunes is obtained with the Algebraic Stress Model for closure. The effective tractive force acting on...

Lagrangian Modeling of a Suspended-Sediment Pulse
The one-dimensional Lagrangian Transport Model (LTM) has been applied in a quasi two-dimensional manner to simulate the transport of a slug injection of microbeads in steady experimental...

Sediment Routing and Stream Bed Evolution Model
A one-dimensional numerical model developed by Borah, Alonso and Prasad is discussed, improved and tested. The model named STREAM routes graded sediments and simulates aggradation, degradation...

Riverine 2D Random Walk Transport Model
A random walk transport model was developed to avoid the amplitude and phase errors inherent in finite difference models. A three-point probability distribution was used for the random...

Computing Contaminant Transport in Unsteady Riverflow
A numerical model capable of simulating transport and dispersion of mass in an unsteady, non-uniform flow field has been developed. Model results compare quite well with existing analytical...

Non-Point Source Pollution: A Diffusional Model
An analytical model was developed to describe the process by which pore water from a saturated porous media is entrained in overland flow. Obtaining a better understanding of this process...

Real Time Modeling to Meet Flow Requirements at a Fossil Steam Plant
A real time modeling system has been developed to schedule hydropower operations in order to comply with discharge permit requirements at a downstream fossil steam plant. The modeling...

Hydraulic Investigation of the Cache River Basin
To develop a comprehensive solution to the problems that exist in the basin, the Illinois State Water Survey has initiated a hydraulic study. This ongoing research includes collection...

Ackers-White Equation: Transportation by Size Fractions
The Ackers-White procedure for sediment transport has been modified to permit calculation by size fractions. The original logic has been retained, but A values for incipient motion have...

Controlled-Drainage Supplements Subirrigation in Humid Regions
A computer simulation was conducted using climate and soil conditions of the humid southern U. S. to demonstrate optional operating methods for dual controlled-subdrainage/subirrigation...

Diversion Structure for Peak Flow Reduction
The flood control requirements of a planned development in the City of Orange, California were such that the peak discharges ranging from an annual flood up to 25-year return period be...

Non Linear Economic Models for Crop Production
Most economic models for crop production rely on the traditional linear programming approach, in spite of the fact that the objective function is almost always non linear. This paper briefly...

Crop Production Models in Water Management
A weather generating model called WMAKER is introduced. The model generates daily climatic data based on the mean monthly values of temperature, precipitation, number of rainy days and...

Sprinkler Erosion Model
The Soil Conservation Service has developed a model to evaluate the effect of various sprinkler irrigation systems with associated agronomic practices. Many researchers have dealt with...

A Simulation Procedure for On-Farm Irrigation Systems Planning
A simulation modeling package has been developed for modeling on-farm irrigation water supply and application systems. The modeling package can consider up to 6 different application systems...

Bowen Ratio and Penman: Australian-California Tests
Results are presented of evapotranspiration (ET) studies conducted in Davis, California and at two locations in Australia. Good agreements were obtained in early comparisons of Bowen Ratio...

Calibration of an Evapotranspiration Model Using Eddy Correlation Methods
An evapotranspiration (ET) prediction model was developed by calibrating the H. L. Penman equation for an alfalfa reference crop in the southwestern Oklahoma region. Evaporative flux for...

The Relationship of Benefits to System Size for Irrigation Projects
This paper presents a generalized linear programming (LP) and farm budget model for optimization of on-farm irrigation benefits resulting from variations in irrigation project size. The...





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