El Paso vs New Mexico, Ground Water or Other Options
The City of El Paso proposed to drill numerous water wells near the Texas-New Mexico and Mexico-New Mexico borders to supplement their water supply during the years 2000-2020 and thereafter....

Owens Valley, California Basin Management to Meet Both Water Resources and Environmental Goals
The City of Los Angeles imports over 60 percent of its water supply from the Owens River Watershed as part of the resources used in serving 3. 5 million people. As part of this operation,...

Organization Design of a Water Resources Institution
An overview of the field of organization design is presented along with a brief description of major macro-organization design theories. Utilizing this information, four water resources...

Review of Strategies for Strengthening Water Resources Management in Taiwan, Republic of China
The paper summarizes the review by the Council for Economic Planning and Development of the Executive Yuan (the administration branch of the Government) in 1982/4 on the water resources...

Management Strategy
Meanders of sinuous streams are often cut off by natural action or by man in order to improve conveyance or navigability. Cutoff bendways, as long as they remain aquatic, provide extremely...

Continuous Modelling of Downstream River Erosion Caused by 40 Years of Urbanization
The US EPA Stormwater Management Model (SWMM3) was installed on an IBM-PC compatible network. The adapted program, known as PCSWMM3, and incorporating a simple algorithm for modelling...

Water System Reliability?Balance of Cost and Risk
Reliability of water distribution systems to perform adequately during stress situations is dependent both on operation/maintenance preparedness as well as the limitations of the physical...

A Model Relating Water and Sediment Yield to Upstream Agricultural Practices
A physical-process model is formulated to quantify daily water and sediment yield as related to upstream land use, land management, and soil and water conservation measures. This model...

Ground Water Strategy in California
There is great debate over when and how much new water California needs. Yet of the backbone supply, wells that could serve over 1 million people have been either removed from use or blended...

The Role of Local Government in Water Quality Management
To meet the challenge of providing safe drinking water at a reasonable cost, local governments, together with water utilities, must do more than merely fund the implementation of state...

Conjunctive Water Use Planning
The phase 'conjunctive use' refers to the integrated management of various water resources within a river basin or other geographic region. The objectives of...

A New Dam in California?Piece-of-Cake!
It initially appeared that a series of insurmountable roadblocks would prevent the City of Morro Bay from constructing a new dam and water supply reservoir on San Bernardo Creek near the...

An Optimization Model for Use in Analysis and Design of Wastewater Treatment Systems
The objective of present wastewater treatment plant design is to provide a cost effective processing system for a given waste-water. Generally each of the unit processes is designed to...

Use of Stochastic Hydrology in Reservoir Operation
The Bureau of Reclamation is incorporating stochastic traces to provide a broader basis for management decisions during drought periods for the Central Valley Project in California. A...

Ecological Impacts of Sediment Transport to Tropical Reservoirs
Sediment transport and siltation influence both the longevity and ecology of tropical reservoirs. The sediment load to these systems is typically seasonal and affects ecological processes...

Automated Control for Central Arizona Project Distribution Systems
Computer based automatic control for three extensive open channel water distribution systems is described. Radio telemetry allows a central computer to execute control logic at individual...

Geohydrologic Considerations in Ground Water Modeling
Ground water modeling is an effective engineering and management tool for evaluating complex hydrogeologic situations in a cost effective manner. Objectives of a particular study dictate...

North American Weather Modification Organizations
The objectives and purposes of most professional, technical and institutional organizations made up of people interested in weather modification as a tool in North American water resources...

Comparison of Minimum Instream Flow Needs
A sound determination of Instream Flow requirements is facilitated by the use of a physical habitat versus streamflow relationship and the analysis of instream flow benefits produced when...

Instream Flow Needs to Protect Fishery Resources
Numerous methods have been developed over the past several decades to assess the effects of flow regulation on fishery resources and to provide a basis for the determination of suitable...





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