Static and Dynamic Analysis of Highrise Buildings on Microcomputers
The author's experience in conducting static and dynamic analyses of three-dimensional multistory buildings on microcomputers using the tier building model and the method...

Interactive Bridge Optimization Program
This paper presents the development of a design methodology that includes the structural optimization process as an integrated component of girder bridge design. The optimization process...

Intrinsic Models for Interactive Structural Design
This paper introduces a 'generic' model for interactive design of constructed facilities. The proposed methodology takes real world conditions, in terms of load...

Graphics Based Preliminary Structural Design
During preliminary design, alternative structural configurations are explored and one or more alternatives are selected for further consideration. During analysis, a structural configuration...

Hierarchical Substructuring for Adaptive Analysis
An algorithm for the automatic generation, from solid models, of finite element meshes organized as spatially addressable quaternary trees (for 2-D analysis) or octal trees (for 3-D analysis)...

Real Time Data Acquisition in Structural Testing
The process of data collection in real time for structural engineering can be generalized into a process called the real time sequence. The sequence has three major phases: preliminary...

Computer Systems for Construction Materials Management
Materials management computer systems store, sort, combine and print data files pertaining to materials requisitions, purchase orders, vendor evaluations, and warehouse inventories. The...

Computerized Construction Cost Estimating in County Government
Prior to establishment of a computerized contruction cost estimating system, four engineering divisions within the Department of Public Works in Fairfax County, Virginia, performed some...

Coordination of Interconnected Arterial Traffic Signals
Present analytical methods and computer programs offer capabilities of optimizing the traffic signal coordination for a series of signalized intersections. Recently, transportation research...

Estuarine Hydrodynamic Modeling on MicroComputers
The program for a two dimensional finite difference estuarine model was adapted for use on a modified IBM-PC/XT microcomputer. Commercially available hardware and supporting software were...

Knowledge Bases for Multistory Concrete Buildings
Heuristics are used in the concrete building industry. A knowledge base is developed with heuristics used in the selection of the floor framing system of a concrete building....

Expert System for Risk Assessment of Concrete Dams
An expert system is presented that will assist a field inspector, during the site investigation of an existing concrete dam, to perform a preliminary structural risk assessment of the...

Expert Systems for Dynamic Analysis Interpretation
Recent developments in expert systems technology have enabled expertise to be represented within a computer solution. This technology has allowed for the development of 'intelligent'...

Expert System Integrity Maintenance for the Retrieval of Data From Engineering Databases
This paper describes a mechanism that enables one to automatically monitor and evaluate engineering design data retrieval. It presents a framework, associated with a relational database...

A Knowledge Based Technique for Structural Component Design Programs
Traditionally, computer programs written for the purpose of sizing and checking standards compliance of individual structural members have been authored in high level compiled languages...

Pattern Recognition Techniques for Distinguishing Structural Failure Modes from High Pressure Loading Records
Pattern recognition techniques have been successfully employed in a wide variety of fields, such as geophysical exploration, medical diagnosis, radar tracking, and earthquake structural...

Computer Errors?Who's Responsible
This paper proposes that both the program developer and the program user share the responsibility for preventing errors in the use of computer programs for engineering design and analysis....

Planning Computer Development to Increase Productivity
The use of computers and computer programs has become widespread in the engineering industry. Various types and classes of hardware are available with software for varied purposes. Certainly...

Construction Resource Analysis Using Symphony
In 1983, the Air Force was directed to commence engineering design of a small, single warhead ICBM for potential deployent in the early 1990's. As construction agent for the...

Computerized Construction Progress Control
In 1983 and 1984, an exploratory tunnel was constructed as part of the geotechnical exploration program for two highway tunnels to be constructed for interstate 70 through Glenwood Canyon,...





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