What About the Point-of-Use?
Point-of-use (POU) granular activated carbon (GAC) treatment devices are being installed more frequently on community water sytems and on private wells. This article describes carbon filter...

Advection Calculations Using Spline Schemes
The calculation of advective transport in one and two dimensions is done by the method of characteristics using spline interpolating polynomials at the forward time step. The method has...

A Computer Model for Oil Slick Transport in Rivers
A computer model for simulating oil slick transport in rivers is presented. In the model the effects of advection, spreading, evaporation, and dissolution on the transformation of an oil...

In-Situ Microocosms for Calibrating Dynamic Models
The calibration of dynamic water quality models for lakes and reservoirs requires significant quantities of data, experience, and judgement. In particular, the identification of an appropriate...

Conjunctive Water Use Planning
The phase 'conjunctive use' refers to the integrated management of various water resources within a river basin or other geographic region. The objectives of...

A New Dam in California?Piece-of-Cake!
It initially appeared that a series of insurmountable roadblocks would prevent the City of Morro Bay from constructing a new dam and water supply reservoir on San Bernardo Creek near the...

Interaction Between the Technical and Political Processes in Solving Flooding Problems at the Great Salt Lake, Utah
The Great Salt Lake occupies the lowest point in a drainage basin of approximately 22,000 mi**2 (57000 km**2). Inflows to the lake occur as surface runoff, groundwater flows, and precipitation...

Water Resources Strategy - Chicago
Starting in the 1960's, a series of water quality and water resources studies focused on the problems of the Chicago metropolitan area. Some of these studies were among the...

An Optimization Model for Use in Analysis and Design of Wastewater Treatment Systems
The objective of present wastewater treatment plant design is to provide a cost effective processing system for a given waste-water. Generally each of the unit processes is designed to...

Evaluation of PCP/Oil Spill on CFT Indian Reservation Near Nespelem, Washington
This paper presents the immediate action taken, the field work performed, and the engineering analysis performed in response to a spillage of a solution of pentachlorophenol (PCP) and...

Policy Issues in Managing Nonpoint Source Pollution
Attention is first given to the extent of the right of the landowner to generate contaminated runoff. The previously recognized privilege of landowners to make point source waste discharges...

Use of Stochastic Hydrology in Reservoir Operation
The Bureau of Reclamation is incorporating stochastic traces to provide a broader basis for management decisions during drought periods for the Central Valley Project in California. A...

Policy Screening Models for Water Supply Operation
It is possible to characterize the real time, short term operation of a metropolitan water supply system - including the surface and groundwater sources, treatment and pumping facilities,...

Hale Cycle and Indian Drought and Flood Area Indices
The Indian Drought (DAI) and flood (FAI) area indices have been argued to be related to the hale cycle of sunspot number by H. N. Bhalme and D. A. Mooley. They studied the dependence between...

Flow and Sediment Transport in Curved Channels with Nonuniform Bed Material
Described is a scheme for controlling the exchange of grain sizes between bed and bed load in a curved alluvial channel. The scheme is an integral part of a model for simulating spatial...

A New Technique for Measuring Fine Sediment Accumulation in Gravel Bed Streams
The collection and analysis of bed material samples has been a standard practice for determining the quantity of fine sediments (less than 3. 4 mm diameter) in stream gravels. However,...

Laboratory Model Studies of Flood Wave Propagation
Laboratory investigations of unsteady free-surface flow with various combinations of channel and flood conditions were performed. A 72 ft (21. 9 m) long tilting flume was modified to make...

A Computer Program Simulation of the Effect of Upstream Agricultural Practices on the Survival of Salmonid Embryos
A physical-process based computer program was developed to quantify the cause and effect relationship between the survival of salmonid embryo and upstream agricultural practices. The impact...

Taming a Pipe Network Analysis Computer Program
The use of a conventional network analysis computer program as an effective evaluation tool for routine operation of an existing water distribution system has several practical limitations...

Automated Control for Central Arizona Project Distribution Systems
Computer based automatic control for three extensive open channel water distribution systems is described. Radio telemetry allows a central computer to execute control logic at individual...





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