Estimation of Wave Power as an Energy Resource for Hawaii
One of the most important elements in determining the wave power available by means of a wave power extracting device is the amount of wave energy present at a given location during a...

Reliability Assessment of Wood Components
Considerable progress has been made in the nondestructive evaluation (NDE) of wood components since the introduction of the first concepts more than twenty-five years ago. New stress wave...

Probabilistic Prediction of Losses to Lifeline Systems Due to Earthquakes
An efficient and practical method for earthquake loss estimation for lifelines is developed, using the recent advances made in the areas of lifeline earthquake engineering and probabilistic...

NDE for Performance of Wood Structures
Significant economic losses result annually due to deterioration and failure of structural wood components. A high percentage of these losses result from our current inability to assess...

Unsteady Aeroelastic Base Moments on a High-Rise Building
To consider aeroelastic instabilities of prismatic structures in winds, i.e., vortex induced vibrations or galloping oscillations, unsteady aeroelastic forces must be investigated as the...

Location of Geologic Discontinuities by Geophysical Techniques
An overview of the seismic refraction method and resistivity methods is given. These two geophysical techniques are integrated into a systematic method for locating geologic discontinuities...

Pile Foundation Construction Practice in Stiff Clays with Dense Granular Layers
A survey was conducted recently in conjunction with a project located in the San Francisco Bay Area to ascertain the general pile driving practice in stiff overconsolidated clays interbedded...

Management of Drumstick Barrier Islands
Three major problem areas exist on these barrier/inlet systems: 1) the updrift inlet which tends to migrate and erode the upland barrier, 2) the narrow, low and sediment-starved downdrift...

Sediment Transport Processes at Sandbridge, VA
Sandbridge Beach is a primarily residential community located along a 7 km reach of narrow barrier beach. Rates of erosion in this area historically have been high, reaching as much as...

Low Cost Wave Measurement Program
This paper addresses some problems related to a wave measurement program in the coast emphasizing costs, environmental hazards and technological problems. Subjects covered include coastal...

Recent Erosion in the Stable Ipanema-Leblon Beach in Rio De Janeiro
This paper presents the findings of a diagnostic study contracted by the City Hall of Rio de Janeiro, concerning beach erosion problems. It first reviews the problem and existing data....

Potential Flow Over a Wavy Bed: A Persistent Error
The standard small-amplitude theory of potential flow over a wavy bed is briefly discussed, together with the three special values of the Froude Number which define four different flow...

Bed Waves Generated by Internal Waves in Alluvial Channels
The flow in an alluvial channel is conceived as a stratified flow both with respect to the velocity- and density-distribution. In such flows internal waves may occur which influence the...

Modelling of Sand Bars in Coastal Environments
A mathematical model describes the formation of sand bars by progressive wind-generated waves. The model decomposes into several constituents linked together in a two step morphological...

A Method to Treat Incident Wave Condition in Shallow Water Equation
A method to consider open boundary condition of the shallow water equation to analyze water surface wave and tide is employed in the finite element anaysis. This can be done by considering...

Wave?Current Interaction and Sediment Transport
The paper reports on a study into whether a close relationship between the mixing (diffusion) coefficient for the sediment, ?s, and the mixing (diffusion)...

Using Sediment-Threshold Theories in Waves and Currents
Fundamentally different threshold-of-motion theories were applied to sand transport in two different coastal environments. Several recommendations for threshold application were reached....

Transport of Grain-Water Mixture by Waves
The numerical modelling of the morphological changes of coastal regions is hampered by the multiplicity of empirical sediment transport formulae. The paper discusses the modes of transport...

The Beginning of Sediment Transport as a Probability-Problem
Sediment transport only takes place when the action of flow (shear stress, velocity) exceeds a critical value. The limit between rest and movement can be given as critical flow velocity,...

Instability of Bed-Surface Composition Due to Sorting Process in a Stream Composed of Sand and Gravel
Wavy patterns of sorting are often observed in a stream composed of sand and gravel, and they are regarded as instability of bed-surface composition due to selective bed-load transport...





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