Biological Serendipity from an Ocean Outfall Maintenance Inspection
A large deep-water ocean outfall discharging ?880 x 106 liters day (230 million gallons day of treated wastewater effluent was inspected with a one-man...

External Inspection of an Ocean Outfall
In October and December, 1994, an external inspection was performed on the County Sanitation Districts of Orange County's (Districts) ocean outfall. This presentation describes...

A Stormwater Management Plan
Part 2 of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Stormwater Permit requires both sampling and analysis of stormwater and the control of illicit discharges to stormwater...

Rainfall-Runoff Modeling for Watershed Stormwater Management
In the design of watershed stormwater management plans used for land development, the Pennsylvania State Runoff Model (PSRM) presents upstream subbasin flows that contribute to the peak...

Development of the San Joaquin County Hydrology Manual
A hydrology manual was prepared for the County of San Joaquin, California for the determination of storm runoff quantities for the design of flood management facilities, floodplain analysis,...

Managing Sediments in Reservoirs at FERC
Reservoir siltation has negative effects on water resource development projects. The impact of sedimentation on FERC's licensed hydropower developments is often quite significant....

Eddy Pump Dredging Demonstration at Cresta Reservoir
A demonstration test of a new environmentally ifiendly slurry dredging technology using the EDDY Pump, a patented vortex slurry pump, was perfbrmed in 1994 at Cresta Reservoir in northern...

Sediment Impacts on Yield from a Two-Reservoir System in Puerto Rico
The Dos Bocas and Caonillas reservoirs in Puerto Rico are being considered for conversion from hydroelectric to water supply operation. Both reservoirs are approximately 50 years old and...

Impacts of Reservoir Sedimentation on Decommissioning of Dams
A large number of dams in the United States of America and elsewhere are reaching the limits of their design lives. Owners, agencies and environmentalists are either considering or demanding...

US/Mexico Border Drinking Water Study
This report is an outgrowth of a more detailed report, written as part of an Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) study. This report represents my views, and does not necessarily represent...

Emerging Concepts for Management of Salinity and Drainage in Irrigated Regions
The purpose of this paper is to very briefly highlight some physical and design concepts important to management of salinity and drainage in irrigated regions in an environmentally sensitive...

Shallow Ground Water Management with a Modified Subsurface Drainage System
An existing subsurface drainage system was modified to control the flow from the drain laterals and to control the water table depth on a portion of the field. Tomatoes and cotton have...

Efficiencies of Drainage Systems and Improved Water Management
Drainage of agricultural lands has become a contentious issue as concern increases over the actual economic benefits of subsurface drainage in irrigated regions relative to the impacts...

Vulnerability of Water Resources to Global Climate Change in the Agricultural Midwest- Ecological, Economic, and Regulatory Aspects
As climate changes, so will water resources. General climate change will alter the distribution of hydrometeorological events and will affect water use, in turn resulting in further alterations...

Forcing Function and Climate Change
A system framework for investigating the effect of climate change in the upper Rio-Grande river basin, New Mexico, is developed. The forcing function or input into a climate change model...

Integrated Hydrological/Ecological/Economic Modeling for Examining the Vulnerability of Water Resources to Climate Change
A methodology for assessing regional-scale hydrologic vulnerability to climate variability which incorporates ecologic and economic factors is presented. A simple economic model of damages...

Adapting Water Resources of the Canadian Prairies under the impact of Climatic Warming
Given that future droughts could become more frequent and more severe because of climatic warming, this paper discusses some strategies to manage and to develop the water resources of...

Beneficial Aspects of Flood and Rain in Countries Where the Drinking Water is Naturally Contaminated with Fluoride Where Fluorosis is a Major Public Health Problem
Floods, although considered destructive, have beneficial aspects too. This report is about one such instance where flood waters are considered extremely beneficial in countries where drinking...

Aspects of River House Cleaning during Floods
In spite of all the destructive forces of floods, the washing and scouring of polluted bottom deposits during spring floods gives the rivers a new start at the beginning of what is usually...

Pier Scour at Wide Piers
Scour at relatively wide piers in shallow water is not explicitly accounted for in the current HEC-18 scour equation. The scour estimated for this case is often overpredicted. In this...





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