Rehabilitation of the Historic Ocoee 1 Hydro Power Plant
The Ocoee 1 Hydro Plant is located on the Ocoee River 16 miles east of Cleveland, Tennessee. Built by the East Tennessee Power Company, it was placed in commercial operation in 1912. There...

Sediment Removal from Sand Hills Aqua Farms Using a Sediment Evacuation Pipeline System
Reservoir sedimentation continues to deplete the world's reservoirs of valuable storage capacity. Several reservoir sediment removal techniques have been successful in regaining...

On-Site Rehabilitation Capabilities for the Nineties
This paper will review recent technological advancements in on-site manufacturing and machining capabilities which have been developed for the proper installation of new hydro turbines....

Case Study in the Upgrade and Rehabilitation Techniques of a Pumped Storage Installation
This paper presents a specific case study in the runner upgrade and unit rehabilitation of two pump/turbines at the Seneca Powerhouse. The study addresses the modern optimized designs...

Water Balance Lysimetry at a Nuclear Waste Site
Lysimeters measure effects of soil, vegetation, and climate on water balance and groundwater recharge at a nuclear-waste site in arid-southcentral Washington State, USA. Data from 4 lysimeter...

Small Lysimeters for Documenting Arid Site Water Balance
Small weighing lysimeters consisting of plastic pipes with lifting and drainage fittings were installed at the arid U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Hanford Site in southcentral Washington...

Prefabricated Weighing Lysimeter for Remote Research Stations
After designing and constructing several precision scale system weighing lysimeters in Southern Europe and the Middle East, the need arose for a prefabricated 'turn-key'...

Operation of Irrigation System and Water Management in Low Lying Paddy Area with Creek Network
Characteristics of the operation and management of irrigation systems were analyzed in the low lying paddy area with creek networks. The irrigation system in Kubota district was chosen...

Overall Resistance Parameter of Flow Arising in the Catchment-Area of a Reservoir in Steep Land
On a small reservoir catchment in mountains, the basin storage S(t) during a flood was expressed in terms of the basin discharge Q(t) and the time-varying storage parameters K(t) and P(t),...

Shallow Groundwater Collection for Reuse in Irrigation
A prototype system of subsurface drains for collection of shallow groundwater and reuse of drainage water for reuse in irrigation was examined. The system involved a field with subsurface...

Source of Atrazine and Desethylatrazine in a River, During Base Flow
A budget of atrazine and desethylatrazine loads was computed for a 116-kilometer reach of the Cedar River in Iowa to determine where these compounds enter the river during base-flow conditions....

Hydrologic and Geochemical Approaches for Determining Ground-Water Flow Components
Lyman Lake is an irrigation-storage reservoir on the Little Colorado River near St. Johns, Arizona. The main sources of water for the lake are streamflow in the Little Colorado River and...

Surface Water/Groundwater Interaction Studies
Studies were performed on a high elevation (2440 meters or 8000 feet) valley stream system and a high (1980 meters or 6500 feet) cold desert stream system in Wyoming, to analyze the surface...

Ground Water Impacts from Irrigated Ridge-Tillage
The Northern Cornbelt Sand Plain Project is a cooperative research effort between the State Agricultural Experiment Stations, USDA/Agricultural Research Service and U.S. Geological Survey...

Conjunctive Use of Surface Water and Groundwater Management
A mathematical model is presented for conjunctive management of connected surface and groundwater systems. The groundwater module is based on the linear, two-dimensional, horizontal flow...

Pump Station/Storage Opportunities for Urban Freeway Systems
This paper introduces the concept of utilizing underground storage to minimize both the initial cost and the long-term maintenance and operation costs of multiple pump stations for a freeway...

A Review of Modeling and Analysis Approaches for Optimization of Reservoir System Operations
Numerous mathematical models have been developed for sizing reservoir storage capacities and establishing operating policies during project planning, for reevaluating the operating policies...

Investigations on 3-D Flow Structures in Combined Systems of Groynes and Harbour Basins
The structure of the flow field in harbour basins shows significant three-dimensional (3-D) effects, e.g. variation of the direction of the horizontal velocity components with depth, existence...

Comparison of a Vibrational Gage and a Plummet for Continuously Measuring Fluvial-Sediment Concentrations
Obtaining sediment records for small, remote streams is difficult not only because of the logistical problems, but also because of the rapid changes in concentration that accompany the...

Model Studies of Outlet and Intake at McCook Reservoir
Two separate physical models were used to investigate the outflow and inflow into the proposed McCook Reservoir. The proposed reservoir will be located in McCook, Illinois, and will serve...





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