GIS:Technology for Transportation
Geographic Information Systems show promise as important tools for transportation engineers. As computer hardware continues to become less expensive and more powerful, and as the software...

Computerized Dynamic Human Factors Mannequins Assess and Create Products and Environments for an Aging Population
A PC-based human factors symbol library helps make designs accessible to a broad populace. The system and research results described were developed in three phases. Knowing that in order...

An Integrated Network Laboratory for Undergraduate Data Acquisition and Data Processing
The University of Wyoming College of Engineering has recently installed an integrated laboratory of 10 networked personal computers for undergraduate student use. These machines have been...

POU/POE Devices: Availability, Performance, and Cost
In order to gather and summarize information and data on point of use/point of entry (POU/POE) devices, a committee was established by the Environmental Engineering Division of the American...

Modeling of Gaseous Emission from Landfills and Other Area Sources
Several dispersion models based on the Gaussian equation are evaluated to assess their relative utility in modeling emission dispersion from an area source, such as a landfill. The VAPOR...

Computerized Data Processing, Displays and Groundwater Flow Analyses of the Stringfellow Hazardous Waste Site
Several types of data, maps, and figures were obtained from various sources involved in the investigations and monitoring at the site. This information was discretized, and a computerized...

Computer Automated Hydrologic Data Acquisition
A computer automated hydrologic data acquisition system has been developed to support field monitoring of rainfall, streamflow, groundwater and conductivity. The basic system involves...

A Multivariate Analysis of Stillwater Lakes, Nevada
Stillwater Lakes located in western Nevada has been experiencing an astounding number of fish and waterfowl deaths since August 1986. This problem is explored through a multivariate statistical...

Drought in Tennessee: Implications on Irrigation System Capacity
Recent droughts in Tennessee have led to a study of the required irrigation system capacity for the state. Data from 1951 through 1988 were analyzed for probabilities of precipitation...

The Water Erosion Prediction Project: Model Overview
A new generation of water erosion prediction technology is being developed by the USDA Water Erosion Prediction Project (WEPP). The WEPP models are a new erosion prediction technology...

Drought Investigations by the Use of Maximum Daily Temperatures
By the use of maximum daily temperature data, drought events can be defined by taking a certain truncation level to form the partial drought duration series. A drought series representing...

Advisory System for South Florida Water Management
A comprehensive, real-time advisory system was developed for the operation of water control facilities within the South Florida Water Management District. The Operations Assistant and...

Computer Support for TVA's Reservoir System Operations: Hardware
The current computer systems in use at TVA for hydrologic data collection and modeling are approaching ten years old. A study is in progress to determine the computer systems needed to...

Development and Application of Hydrologic Forecast Systems
Hydrologic forecast systems generally consist of several components which include computer hardware and software to perform data handling functions and enable users to calibrate hydrologic...

An Emerging Application of Microcomputers in Water Control
Plans being developed at the Corps' Hydrologic Engineering Center propose a gradual transfer of water control support from minicomputers to a network of microcomputer workstations....

Role of Data Management in Water Control
The success of a system of software that must provide the water control user with current information, model analysis results, and forecasts of future behavior, is closely associated with...

Computer Program for Smoothing and Correcting Hourly Time Series Data
A FORTRAN computer program has been developed for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers St. Louis District that automatically screens and corrects hourly time series data for gross errors and...

Development of the Hydrodata CD-ROM Data Storage System
To store and retrieve data from two of the USGS WATSTORE databases - the daily and peak values files - and the Summary of the Day file from the National Climatic Data Center, the authors...

Alternative Methods of Generating Hydrologic Data for Reservoir Optimization
Given an historically based set of natural flows for the Colorado River at Lees Ferry, a series of 16 indexed sequential traces 78 years in length were derived using a 'wrap around' approach...

Flood Warning Systems
A valuable review of the current state-of-the-art of flood warning systems is represented by the papers on flood warning systems presented at the ASCE Workshop on 'Computerized...





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