Uncertainty versus Computer Response Time
Interactive on-line presentation of risk analysis results with immediate `what if' capability is now possible with available microcomputer technology. This can provide an effective means...

Risk Simulation Model for Rehabilitation Studies
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is required to analyze major rehabilitation proposals for all facilities using risk-based benefit-cost analysis techniques. Existing spreadsheet-based...

Coastal Eutrophication and Temperature Variation
A 3-D hydroecological model has been developed to simulate the impact of climate-change-induced daily temperature variation on coastal water quality and eutrophication. Historical daily...

Risk and Reliability of Water Resources Infrastructure and Engineering Approaches to Risk and Reliability Analysis
The paper summarizes the second session of the conference which discussed the risk and reliability of water resources infrastructure as well as engineering approaches to risk and reliability...

Risk Management Strategies for Natural, Manmade, and Technological Hazards
The sixth session featured three important applications of risk and reliability analysis in water resources planning. Papers were presented on incentives to use reliability and risk analysis...

Computer Software for Risk Analysis
The seventh session was directed toward computer software that is designed for use in various aspects of risk analysis. The papers presented discussed the following: application of user-friendly...

Flocculation Kinetics Using Fe(III) Coagulant to Coagulate Kaolin Clay in Water: Effects of Temperature
Flocculation kinetics using ferric nitrate as a coagulant to coagulate kaolin clay in water was examined using several experimental factors. Both the particle size distribution data obtained...

Recovery of Chromium from Spent Plating Solutions by a Chromyl Chloride Process
A novel chromyl chloride process has been investigated for the recovery of hexavalent chromium from spent plating solutions. In this process chromium is converted to chromyl chloride by...

Modeling of Chemical Inhibition of Nitrification
This work contains two quantitative structure-activity relationships (QSARs) modeling chemical inhibition of nitrification, one for heterocyclic compounds and one for acetylenic materials....

Process Selection for Treatment of SOC Contaminated Waters
The most inexpensive method for treating synthetic organic chemical (SOC) contaminated wastewaters was studied. Air stripping, liquid-phase adsorption, fixed-film biological oxidation,...

Nitrification in Single-Stage Trickling Filters
An assessment of nitrification of municipal wastewater in trickling filters was performed using operating data from wastewater treatment facilities currently in operation. A survey of...

Innovative Treatment of Soil Contamination: Radiolytic Destruction of Dioxin and Co-Contaminants by Cobalt-60
Recent work in our laboratory has demonstrated that gamma radiolysis is a feasible method by which 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) can be converted to products of negligible...

Adaptive Numerical Methods for Transport Dominated Processes
The numerical approximation of processes of transport and diffusion can be very challenging when the diffusion is small compared to the convection. Standard Galerkin methods need to be...

Quasi-Two Dimensional Modelling of Flood Routing in Rivers and Flood Plains by Means of Storage Cells
A quasi-two dimensional numerical model for flood routing in rivers and flood plains has been developed. In the river, the St Venant equations are integrated using the implicit finite...

New Methods for Modelling Dam-Break Wave
Recent developments in numerical analysis for hyperbolic equations have led to new methods which solve shallow water equations including complementary equations for hydraulic jumps. An...

Simultaneous Flow Visualization and Hot-Film Measurements
High-speed video recording of flow visualizations in the near wall region of a turbulent open channel flow was synchronized with hot-film measurements of flow velocity and bed shear stress...

Observations on the Growth of an Internal Boundary Layer with a Lidar Technique
The distribution of atmospheric water vapor across a step change in surface humidity (dry-wet) was observed by a Lidar measurement technique under neutral atmospheric stability condition....

Sensitivity Analysis of Bridge Equations
Computation of riverbed scour at the 482,000-plus bridges over water in the United States of America requires a significant level of hydraulic engineering effort. To do cost-effective,...

Damage to Highway Infrastructure 1993 Mississippi River Basin Flooding
A study has been initiated to investigate the basin-wide impact of the 1993 Mississippi River Basin flooding on damage to the highway infrastructure. The study involves site investigations...

Ultimate Depth of Scour Around Bridge Piers
A design equation for estimating ultimate depth of local scour at bridge piers has been proposed which is based upon the envelope curves drawn to published field data covering a wide range...





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