An HF CODAR Doppler Transponder System
Gulf Oil Exploration and Production Company completed two major phases in the development of a high frequency (HF) CODAR Doppler transponder system for measuring sea ice motion. The system...

Constitutive Equations for Ice as a Damaging Material
Constitutive equations for ice subjected to uniaxial compression are developed based on applications of the theory of continuous damage mechanics. A physical model of ice deformation response...

Sea Ice Indentation Accounting for Strain-Rate Variation
Two levels of ice loading are typically considered in the design of drilling and production platforms for the Arctic. Global ice pressures govern the overall structural geometry and dimensions...

Spalling and Buckling of Ice Sheets
The effect of local eccentricity in the vertical direction on the magnitude of compressive strength of wide ice sheets is studied theoretically. Two new failure modes are identified: indentation...

Deep Water Bering Sea Development Concepts
A brief description of the major environmental factors that a structure used to produce oil and gas in the deep water Bering Sea would have to cope with is presented. In particular, the...

Geotechnical Characteristics of Seafloor Sediments: Norton Sound, Alaska
During the past few years the USGS has been conducting studies in the northern Bering Sea aimed at identifying geologic and environmental conditions that may be hazardous to offshore resource...

Bering Sea Crude Oil Transportation Systems
A study to evaluate and compare the technology and costs associated with crude oil transportation alternatives in the Bering Sea has been conducted. Existing and proposed offshore loading...

Single Point Moorings for the Bering Sea
Multi or single-legged buoy systems such as conventional CALMs or SALMs would not survive the winter season in the Bering Sea because the forces generated in the anchoring chains by pack-ice...

North Sea Technology Transfer to the Bering Sea
Concrete platforms in the North Sea are reviewed, including technological considerations and economic factors involved in their selection and application. The applicability of this technology...

Deep-Water Platform Solutions for the Navarin Basin
The environmental conditions prevailing in the Navarin Basin may impose limitations on the type and shape of production, storage and loading structures. The magnitude of the wind and wave...

Improving Arctic Seafloor Soil Stability
Soft, low strength soil layers at or beneath the Beaufort seafloor mean that soil strengthening may be necessary to ensure the stability of oil exploration and production structures under...

Seabed Strengthening in the Arctic by Deep Mixing
Improvement of soft soil sites in the Beaufort Sea would increase the versatility and usefulness of bottom-founded gravity structures for both mobile drilling units and permanent production...

Arctic Drilling and Production Platform Concept
An 80-well Arctic drilling and production platform for water depths to 100 feet in the Beaufort Sea transition ice zone is presented. It includes a novel inner caisson to help resist large...

A Beaufort Sea Deepwater Production Structure
There will be a need for large crude oil production platforms in Beaufort Sea water depths between 20 and 50 m and at locations with soft seabed soils and far from readily exploitable...

Concrete Space Frame Applied to an Arctic M.O.D.U.
The BOUYGUES experience in the use of concrete space frame technology for civil works and the application of this technique, combined with high strength concrete and prefabrication, to...

The Impact of Selected Sea Level Rise Scenarios on the Beach and Coastal Structures at Sea Bright, N.J.
The physical impacts of selected sea level rise scenarios on the shoreline of Sea Bright, New Jersey, are investigated. The sea level rise scenarios chosen for investigation were developed...

After Action Report 1983 California Coastal Storms
The winter of 1982-1983 saw some dramatic changes in the worldwide weather patterns that have been attributed to the anomaly known as El Nino. During that winter California was attacked...

The Analysis of the Environmental Impact
Oil serves mankind. Winning such a valuable and necessary energy resource demands for stringent rules. It is not the oil which threatens the environment on earth, but the negligence of...

Consistency Appeals?Recent Developments
The Coastal Zone Management Act authorizes the Secretary of Commerce to override a state consistency objection to a federal license or permit activity affecting land or water uses in the...

Regional Waterfront Planning Without a Superagency: Can Existing Agencies Fill the Gap?
As far back as 1966, the Regional Plan Association saw the potential for mixed use development of underutilized and vacant land along New Jersey's Hudson River Waterfront....





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