Remediation Site Prioritization by the Risk Ranking and Filtering Method
The risk ranking and filtering (RRF) method, developed for ranking critical components of the NASA Space Shuttle, is a possible framework for the prioritization of hazardous-waste sites...

Quantifying Uncertainty in Site Characterization
The uncertainties in determining the true geologic conditions at the proposed high-level nuclear waste repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada needed to be determined as part of the Exploratory...

Environmental Impacts of Agricultural Drainage
Research has shown that improved drainage increases peak runoff rates and pollutant loads compared to natural conditions. However improved drainage on agricultural lands may reduce outflow...

Tapping Shallow Groundwater with Horizontal Wells
In recent years, horizontal wells have become an economical water supply source alternative for many shallow water table areas in Florida. Horizontal wells typically utilize 15 to 20 cm...

Progress Report ARS/SCS Runoff Curve Number Work Group
The Soil Conservation Service (SCS) Runoff Curve Number (RCN) procedure works well as a single event model to estimate design storm runoff volumes from a small agricultural watershed....

Hydrogeotechnical Considerations for the Disposal of Oil Shale Solid Waste Material
Laboratory tests and five large scale lysimeters (7.3?3.0?3.0 m deep) have been constructed to collect information and data on hydrogeotechnical factors which affect an oil shale solid...

Agricultural Impacts on Surface Water via Ground Water
Three years of ground and surface water quality monitoring data collected from one site in the mid-Atlantic coastal plain are presented. These data suggest that delivery of P from ground...

Assessing the Leaching Potential of Herbicides at the Ohio MSEA
The GLEAMS model was used to assess the potential for herbicide leaching at the Ohio MSEA. Input data, typical of the Ohio MSEA, was used in conjunction with precipitation data for the...

Water Quality Implications of Encapsulated Atrazine
This paper presents the movement of both encapsulated and wettable powder atrazine under no-till and conventional-till corn in the Coastal Plain physiographic region of Maryland. Soil...

Expert System for Agricultural and Water Quality Management
Agricultural activities occur in an open environment where uncontrollable climatic events influence both agricultural productivity and water quality. A decision support system is described...

Management of Agricultural Drainage Pollution Considering Regional Cooperation
Increasing awareness of toxic substance discharge from agriculture in the San Joaquin Valley of California has resulted in discharge limits on individual constituents in agricultural drainage....

Expert Systems for Civil Engineers
Knowledge Representation
This committee report, Expert Systems for Civil Engineers: Knowledge Representation, focuses on how engineers represent knowledge in expert...

High Level Radioactive Waste Management 1992
The proceedings of the third International Conference on High Level Radioactive Waste Mnagement, held on April 12-16, 1992, Las Vegas, Nevada, provides information on the technical and...

Technology?Key to Environmental Success
A three million ton per year coal unloading terminal with 5 km overland conveyor at Jacksonville, Florida, incorporates numerous technical advances to achieve environmentally safe construction...

Clean-Up of Contaminated Soils: A Necessary First Step in Industrial Land Redevelopment
This is a paper describing efforts by The Toronto Harbour Commissioners to demonstrate how several technologies can be effectively integrated to remove or reduce contaminant levels in...

Securing Strategic National Security Objectives Through Maritime Activities
The President's national security strategy envisions a healthy and growing economy, wise environmental stewardship and a strong military as part of his plan to meet and to fulfill the...

Analysis of Dredged Material Deposition Patterns
Between November 1, 1989 and 30 March, 1990, nearly 1 million cubic yards of dredged material were disposed in Puget Sound as the first phase (Element I) of the construction of the Navy's...

Dredged Material Placement Techniques?A Review of Its Past, Present and Future
Maintenance of ports and harbors requires considerable amount of dredging and this makes studies on dredged material disposal and placement technique particularly important. This paper...

Recycled Materials for Port Construction
The concept of utilizing recycled materials is presented. Types of materials which may be applicable are described, as well as, typical projects utilizing these materials....

Multiuser Sites for Contaminated Sediment Disposal
The Washington Department of Ecology (WDOE) recently adopted a program to identify, rank, and clean up contaminated sediment sites in Puget Sound. Site cleanup, in conjunction with dredging...





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