Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers 1991
Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers Vol. 156, 1991 contains abstracts for all ASCE journal papers and technical notes,...

Housing Chernobyl Relocatees
The April 1986 explosion of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant Reactor 4 in northern Ukraine Commonwealth spread nuclear contamination assisted by southerly winds across hundreds of miles...

The Clean Air Act: Opportunities for the Transit Industry
The 1990 Federal Clean Air Act Amendments (CAAA) have opened up new opportunities for transit agencies, especially those in large urban areas with the worst air pollution problems. The...

Responding to Public Opinion About Cumulative Long-Term Risks: Analysis and Communication of Risks from Climate Change and Hazardous Waste Sites
Public reactions to cumulative, uncertain, and long-term (CULT) risks pose particular problems to risk communicators. Low-magnitude and low-probability risks (e.g., living next to a hazardous...

The Monitoring of Water Conservation Behavior and Attitudes in Southern California
Seldom are the effects of public information programs monitored and analyzed in a sound, systematic manner. Information on the impact of investments in public information programs is essential:...

Conflicts in Health and Safety Matters: Between a Rock and a Hard Place
Constraints on time and resources influence the public sector as strongly as they influence our personal lives. Experience teaches us that our desires must be tempered by hard realities....

ASCE Review and Publication Process for Technical Journals
For many, the review and publication process for ASCE technical journals is not clear. Though the basic steps are outlined in the Authors' Guide, there are unwritten practices that may...

What Makes a Quality Paper?
A good paper is one that is easy for members of the intended audience to read and understand. It must contain an informative abstract. The introduction should include information on why...

How to Improve Writing Skills
Many papers submitted to ASCE journals are rejected because of poor writing. Moreover, the most common complaint employers have of newly graduated engineers is their lack of writing skills....

Wellfield Protection Program in Broward County, Florida
The Potable Water Wellfield Protection Program was initiated early in 1981. It examined land uses in the County, made an inventory of potential ground water pollution sources, compiled...

Connecticut's Wellhead Protection Program
Connecticut's Wellhead Protection Program was the first in the country to receive EPA approval and remains one of the strongest programs in the nation. The program is based on comprehensive...

Oklahoma's Ground Water Protection Strategy
This report examines Oklahoma's developing ground water protection strategy in light of the national strategy. We look first at relevant federal legislation and what EPA expects of a state...

Ground Water Management in Arkansas
Arkansas has historically enjoyed plentiful water and has typically resolved water conflicts with case by case application of common law. As agricultural, industrial and domestic water...

The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation?New Directions in Water Management and Conservation
The activities of the U.S. Bureau of reclamation are reviewed. Pacific Northwest Region, upper Deschustes River Basin Water Conservation Project, Northwest Cooperative Agricultural Weather...

Seven Legal Strategies to Cool Global Warming
The author holds that there are seven types of legal approaches which can be employed by different levels of government to cool global warming. Application of these strategies, singly...

Metrication Between Canada and the USA?A Staged Adoption
Great Britain has led the way for change from English to metric units. There, as in the United States, industry and trade were the motivating forces for change. The gradual change to metric...

High Level Radioactive Waste Management 1992
The proceedings of the third International Conference on High Level Radioactive Waste Mnagement, held on April 12-16, 1992, Las Vegas, Nevada, provides information on the technical and...

Taming Tornado Alley
Some structures�such as nuclear power plants�need complete protection from tornadoes regardless of the high costs of design and construction. Public facilities need protection too, but...

Water Management Under Drought Conditions an Overview of Practices by Federal Agencies
The management of water resources under drought conditions is a diverse topic which has received added emphasis recently as a result of prolonged droughts in parts of the United States....

Summary Conclusions & Recommendations of the 1991 Washington State Ports and Transportation Systems
Since 1975, the Washington Public Ports Association and Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) have conducted periodic performance assessments of the state's ports, waterways,...





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