Implementation of a Micro-CADD System
Computer-aided-design-and-drafting (CADD) systems utilize computer technology to aid the engineer in his work. CADD systems are designed to process graphics with speed and accuracy to...
Innovative Management in a Period of Austerity: The Glamorgan Heritage Cost Experience in the U.K.
Restraint in UK economic growth gave rise to a new countryside management approach which was non-statutory, dependent upon voluntary agreements. In essence the land remains in private...
What's Going on with Federal Consistency?
The Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972 (the CZMA, Pub. Law 92-583, as amended) establishes a national program to promote the wise use and protection of coastal land and water resources....
A Space Age Test Center
The Air Force's Aeropropulsion System Test Facility (ASTF) is the most expensive project the Air Force has ever built. Its massive heaters, coolers and compressors will treat...
Engineering Education: An Update
ASCE held an engineering education conference in April, 1985, entitled, Educators and Practitioners�Where Are We Going? Participants agreed that a greater interchange is beneficial between...
Survey of Computer Use in Hydraulics and Hydrology
The surveyed population consists of the 58 member firms of the Consulting Engineers Council of Colorado practicing in the area of water resources. 90 percent of these firms use computers...
Personal Computers and Water Network Simulation
The advent of the 16 bit or larger personal computer has the potential for significantly increasing the availability of a powerful tool for hydraulics engineers. In the past, the understanding...
Learning from Failures
Modern technology and innovation have created a gap between what the design drawings predict with respect to safety and serviceability of a structure and the real safety and serviceability...
The Consulting Engineer's Resident Engineer on Public Works Projects
The importance to the owner, engineering firm, and construction contractor of a qualified Resident Engineer on a construction project cannot be overly emphasized. Similarly, the duties,...
The Role of the V.A. Resident Engineer
The Resident Engineer plays a vital part on the Veterans Administration construction team. He serves as a hub for communications between the various members of the team as well as the...
Project Coordination Resident Engineering Costs Versus Construction Costs for New York City Department of Environmental Protection
The paper explains how the New York City Department of Environmental Protection has successfully completed a 1 billion construction program using only resident engineer inspection services....
The Resident Engineer
In this paper, the author defines the resident engineer's (RE) role based on his experiences. His illustrations of the RE as engineer, interpreter, issuer of change orders,...
The Resident Engineer as a Communicator
Communication is an important part of the Resident Engineer's job of Contract Administration. This article focuses on the problems facing the Resident Engineer in communicating...
Development of a Resident Engineer
The author discusses a development program suitable for a Resident Engineer to take up. Included in the requirements of the program are actual experiences, training courses and personal...
A Space Frame Forecast
New York City's Jacob K. Javits Convention Center has the largest space frame of its kind in the world. There are several unique design features in the space frame, among...
Computer Management Concepts for Student Engineering
This paper presents many of the principles and concepts being taught to engineers of the future concerning their use of computer related activities. For example, from the cost/risk/benefit...
Needs and Trends of Transportation Software and Hardware
Microcomputers have now been available for nearly a decade in one form or another, and have recently taken on an important role in the transportation engineer's professional...
Microcomputers in Transportation Education and Training
Microcomputer methods for transportation planning, engineering, and management are changing transportation education in universities and training programs for professionals. This paper...
Downloading and Micro-Analysis of Data
The microcomputer is ideal for ad hoc analysis while the mainframe is better for storing data. Downloading data from a mainframe computer to a PC takes advantage of the strengths of both...
Paying for the Costs of Public Service?Methods and Issues
This paper addresses the impacts on urban infrastructure in terms of the facilities and services required and how they are paid for. Particular emphasis is placed on a methodological approach...
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