Current Issues in Asbestos Removal
Asbestos is responsible for more worker deaths than any other substance used in the construction industry. This fact has prompted major regulatory changes during the past fifteen years....

Disposal and Utilization of Electric Utility Wastes
The papers presented in this book summarize the recent developments in coal ash utilization technology, and the current issues and regulations associated with the environmental effects...

The Nebraska Chemigation Cat?1987 in Review
The Nebraska Chemigation Act was signed into law in April of 1986 with requirements effective January 1, 1987. The Act is one of the most comprehensive pieces of chemigation legislation...

Kissimmee River: Engineering Approaches for Restoration
The Kissimmee River, located in central Florida, was channelized for flood control during the 1960s. Movements by environmental interest groups have produced strong sentiment to restore...

The Role of a Mobile Transporter in Large Space Structures Assembly and Maintenance
Large space structures require a vehicle to support assembly, operations, and maintenance. These vehicles may be designed for specific tasks or for general use throughout the life of the...

Highway Safety - Is the Job Finished?
A review of past measures undertaken to improve highway safety is given. The Highway Safety Acts have helped reduce the number of injuries and fatalities in spite of the increased number...

Changing Requirements
There are three sections to the presentation. First, a discussion of the changing environment of highway transportation - what are the factors and variables that are changing in the world...

Highway Injuries: Our Major Health Problem
Injuries are the leading cause of death in the United States from early childhood until about age 45. Motor vehicles kill more Americans age 1 to 34 than any other source of injury or...

Environmental Health Programs of the USEPA
The major programs of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) designed to reduce risk to public health are summarized with emphasis on their content, funding and effectiveness in...

Railroad Safety Programs and Effectiveness
Safety in the railroad industry has been a matter of concern to employees, officers, federal agencies and the general public since railroads came into being. This paper summarizes the...

Allocating Public Funds: Morality and Constraints
The highway safety engineer is continually faced with the trade-off between expenditures for highway safety improvements and reductions in highway fatalities, injuries, and property damage...

The Federal Budgetary Process
The paper outlines the federal budget process as it affects highway safety programs. There are a variety of federal programs which come under the umbrella designation highway safety. Those...

Comparing Benefits of Safety and Non-Safety Programs
The objective of this presentation is to compare benefit-cost ratios for major highway construction projects to those for highway safety projects, such as: (1) new highways, (2) major...

Highway Safety - Planning for the Future
Because motor vehicle traffic is expected to continue to grow, renewed efforts will be required to prevent the problem of motor vehicle crash deaths and injuries growing much larger than...

Plans and Programming for Highway Safety to the Year 2010
Many factors have contributed to improvement in highway safety including more crashworthy vehicle design, increased usage of occupant restraints, growing public intolerance of DWI, and...

Recognizing Liquefaction Hazard
Technique for assessing liquefaction hazard are considered herein: Methods for compiling regional opportunity maps are reviewed and a crude national map is developed. Compilation of regional...

Zapping Hazwastes
Electromagnetic energy, applied in situ, successfully removes contaminants entrapped in soil by vaporizing them. Recent test using radio frequency have successfully removed up to 99% of...

Underwater Testing in the Development of EVA Support Systems
The ability to simulate realistic zero-g conditions on Earth is of prime importance in determining if various orbital operations associated with extravehicular activity (EVA) can actually...

AASHTO Design Concepts
The AASHO Road Test of 1958-60 grew out of a need to quantify the effects of increasingly heavier axle and gross loads and varying wheel load configurations on the performance of this...

What Will Happen to Local Rural Roads and Bridges
Much of the local rural road and bridge system was not designed for the heavy trucks and farm equipment that are currently using the system. The system will continue to deteriorate unless...





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