Coastal Higher Education in Mexico
Mexico is plagued by problems that constraint the efficient use of its coastal zone. Such problems are not necessarily unique to Mexico, but are a threat to some degree in all national...

The General Characteristic of the Black Sea Coasts
The total length of the Black Sea coast is 4431 km. These shores have been developing in various natural conditions formed through the entire history of this basin. So, the coasts may...

Geoecology of the Black Sea Coastal Zone
Author understands geoecology as a field of science investigating mechanisms of destruction of biosphere by man through his influence on the ocean relief, sediments and suspended matter....

Technogenic Pollution of the Caucasian Black Sea Coastal Zone and Specific Features of Self-Purification
Within the scope of ecological monitoring in 1989-1991 pollution of river and sea water and bottom sediments with oil products (OP, poly-aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), pesticides (PC), toxic...

Ecology of Gelendzhik Bay
Natural conditions of Gelendzhik bay and process of its ecological degradation during last year are described in this paper. The main flow of pollutants enters form the city and vineyards...

Ecological Situation of the Black Sea Coastal Zone
Some aspects of the Black Sea ecosystems evolution are discussed with regard of growing volumes of discharged pollutants and encroachment of Mnemopsisleidyi. The data characterizing ecological...

Longshore Sediment Transport and Radionuclide Dispersion in the Black Sea Coastal Zone
After the Chernobyl accident the studies of the longshore sediment transport in the Black Sea have got new applications connected with a marine pollution problem. The method to calculate...

Formation of Kolkhida Shore During Sea Level Rise
A reconstruction of the Kolkhida coastline evolution during one of the thermal maximum in Holocene was made on the basis of geological data. These data are taken as a principle in calculation...

The North Black Sea and the Sea of Azov Coasts Under a Possible Greenhouse-Induced Global Sea-Level Rise
The first attempt is presented to compile a map of coastal evolution of the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov under the possible accelerated greenhouse-induced sea-level rise by 1m (medium...

Bulgarian Coastal Management
This paper responds to the call of the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development for sustainable and economically-sound development and use of the world's natural resources....

A Mathematical Model for Predicting the Motion of Polluting Surface Plumes Due to Drift Currents
The paper analyzes the problem of displacement from the offshore to the nearshore of a polluting surface plume, subject to advection generated by wind-waves and wind-currents. After a...

Fisheries in the Southern North Sea
Because of its hydrographic and bathymetric characteristics, the southern North Sea supports one of the most productive fisheries in the world. In this chapter, these fisheries are reviewed...

Disposal of Dredged Material from the Estuaries
The silting up of harbours and the lower parts of rivers are serious problems. These problems can be characterized in terms of quantity and quality. Two separated cases are described....

Monitoring of Microbial Pollution in the Lagos (Coastal) Lagoon, Nigeria
Lagos Lagoon, the largest coastal lagoon in West Africa covers an area of about 208 square kilometres. Its only opening to the sea is through the Commodore Channel which serves as the...

Utilization of the Coastal Areas for Aquaculture in Nigeria
The current domestic fish production in Nigeria is estimated to be 363,706 tonnes whereas the projected demand is 1,237,000 tonnes. This leaves a deficit in demand of 874,294 tonnes which...

Trace Metal Distribution in the Sediments of the Bight of Bonny, South Eastern Nigeria
Coastal sediments are important hosts for pollutant trace metals. The concentration and distributions of heavy metals depend on factors such as grain size of sediments, availability and...

Short-Term Effects of the Banjul Sewerage and Drainage Project on Faecal Coliform Counts
Assessment of the short-term effects of the Banjul sewerage and drainage project on faecal coliforms (indicator organisms for contamination of pathogens) in the coastal areas. The project...

The Fate of the Nichupte Lagoon System in the Planning of Cancun, Mexico as an International Tourism Center
Many books and articles on tourism development of pristine and attractive areas conclude with the metaphor of cancer killing its host body. Cancun, in fact was a response to the perceived...

Management of the Ria De Aveiro Lagoon, Portugal
This paper summarizes a study conducted by the Gabinete da ria de Aveiro (GRIA) for the purpose of proposing planning measures and environmental management policies tailored to the Ria...

Indian River Lagoon Consensus Management, Florida
The Indian River Lagoon, Florida is a bar-built estuarine system extending along forty percent of Florida's Atlantic coast. While one of the earliest mapped features in North America,...





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