Artificial Recharge to the Floridan Aquifer System, Orlando Area, Central Florida
Approximately 400 drainage wells exist in Orange County, central Florida. The rate of recharge through drainage wells is limited by the rate of surface flow to the wells; the hydraulic...

Artificial Recharge with Imported and Reclaimed Waters in Central and West Coast Basins of Los Angeles County
Since 1952 over 4,000,000 acre-feet of imported water and reclaimed waste water have been purchased to recharge the ground waters of the Central and West Coast Basins of Los Angeles County....

Infiltration Maintenance in Recharge Facilities of Orange County Water District
The Orange County Water District manages the Orange County ground water basin in western Orange County. In the first 25 years of operation, the District made exclusive use of the Santa...

Ground Water Basin Management and Artificial Recharge
In Coachella Valley, California, where rainfall averages only 3 inches annually, approximately 80,000 acres of crop land and 65 golf courses provide winter recreation and winter fruits...

Ground Water Recharge in Ganga Basin
Ganga Basin is the repository of ground water in the Indian sub continent. The area is subject to frequent drought. Tubewell development both in the state and private sectors has been...

Experimental Studies of Artificial Recharge of Ground Water in Yamagata City, Japan
Experimental studies on artificial recharge of ground water were carried out for three years in Yamagata City, Japan. Two types of installation, pit and basin method were used for recharge....

Infiltration Wells in the Lakes Around the Future Markerwaard Polder
Drainage and reclamation of the Markerwaard polder in the Netherlands may cause damage to buildings and infrastructure in the eastern part of North-Holland because of subsidence. Drawdown...

Artificial Recharge of the Heretaunga Plains Aquifer Hawke's Bay, New Zealand
The Heretaunga Plains groundwater system in the Hawke's Bay region of New Zealand, is naturally recharged from the nearby Ngaruroro River at the approximate rate of 5.5m3/sec....

Planning Now for Irrigation and Drainage in the 21st Century
The theme for the conference was Planning Now for Irrigation and Drainage in the 21st Century. Many of the regions of the Country are experiencing water supply declines and/or increasing...

Selenium Threatens Irrigators, Wildlife
Irrigation drainage water has seldom been treated to remove pollutants, but it soon will be treated in California. Drainage from a large portion of the San Joaquin Valley must be treated...

The Road to Drained Pavements
In California, a fast-draining base course within the pavement structure is now the preferred design. For the first time, the 1987 edition of the California Highway Design Manual recommends...

Optimal Process of the Development of the Residential Area on the Coastal Zone
The concentration of population and assets through various types of development in the coastal zone in Japan is progressing rapidly at present. The conditions of the sea environment are...

Strategies to Protect the Apalachicola Estuary
The Apalachicola River basin and estuary lie in northwest Florida, and are unique and productive resources. In the early 1970s the ecological integrity of the basin was threatened on several...

The Nushagak-Mulchatna Rivers Recreation Study
The Nushagak/Mulchatna River drainage was one of two geographical areas identified in the Bristol Bay Coastal Management Program as meeting the criteria for placing a specific area under...

Mitigation Features for Marinas
The John Wayne Marina was permitted for construction only after certain design features were altered to accommodate major biological and water quality concerns. The moorage basin was relocated...

Embankment Over Fly Ash Pond at Portsmouth Power Station
The fly ash and bottom ash sediments from the Portsmouth Power Station in Portsmouth, Virginia were being sluiced into a 39 acre diked ash pond near the plant. The plant was about to convert...

Evaluation of and Recommendations for Drop Structures in the Denver Metropolitan Area
In 1982, the Denver Urban Drainage and Flood Control District published interim guidelines for the design of sloped, loose riprap drop structures, as well as vertical wall drop structures...

Air Regulated Siphons as Irrigation Canal Outlets
This paper investigates the possibility of using air regulated siphons as outlets from irrigation canals. Although a solution to a specific problem is sought, it is recognized that the...

Pressure Fluctuations on the Floow of Hydraulic Jumps
This paper presents the results of an experimental investigation regarding the variation of r. m. s. value of pressure fluctuations on the floor of free and forced hydraulic jumps formed...

Parking Lot Drainage Design: Gainesville, Florida
The construction of a 10-acre (4. 05 ha) parking facility (1,000-car capacity) at the University of Florida during 1984 presented the potential for increasing downstream flooding and for...





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