OCRWM Transportation Technical Activities for 1998
The Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management is preparing for the transport of spend fuel by 1998 from commercial reactors to a monitored retrievable storage facility. The preparations...

Development of the GA-4 and GA-9 Legal Weight Truck Spent Fuel Shipping Casks
General Atomics (GA) is developing two legal-weight-truck spent-fuel shipping casks for transporting commercial reactor spent fuel. The GA-4 pressurized-water-reactor (PWR) and the GA-9...

Tools for LWR Spent Fuel Characterization: Assembly Classes and Fuel Designs
Tools for the classification of fuel assembly types have been developed during the development of the Characteristics Data Base. The assembly class scheme is based upon the design of the...

Spent Fuel Waste Form Characteristics: Grain and Fragment Size Statistical Dependence for Dissolution Response
The Yucca Mountain Project of the U.S. Department of Energy is investigating the suitability of the unsaturated zone at Yucca Mountain, NV, for a high-level nuclear waste repository. All...

Radioactive Waste Management?An Educational Challenge
University Radioactive Waste Management educational programs are being actively advanced by the educational support activities of the Offices of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management (OCRWM)...

Scientific Literacy and Public Education About High-Level Radioactive Waste
The citizens of the United States, and I would tend to believe of other countries, must be sufficiently science literate to make intelligent, rational decisions regarding energy and mineral...

Determination of Diffusivities of Sorbing and Nonsorbing Species in Rocks
Through-diffusion experiments were performed for the sorbing and nonsorbing species in granites. Determining methods of diffusivities were discussed according to sorption properties of...

Effects of Heterogeneity on Actinide Diffusion Rates in Tuffaceous Rock
The pore structure and mineralogy of Topopah Spring Tuff are heterogeneous on scales less than one cm. This heterogeneity creates spatial variation in transport rates for aqueous actinide...

Interpretative Modelling of Studies of Sorption of Radionuclides onto Geological Materials
An integrated modelling and experimental approach related to the quantification of the sorption of radionuclides onto geological materials is described. The primary role of the experimental...

Disposal of Spent HTR Fuel Elements
The emplacement of spent fuel elements from high-temperature reactors (HTR) in deep vertical boreholes in a salt repository is one favorable technique for the disposal of these wastes...

Conceptual Design Study of Geological Disposal System of High-Level Waste
Conceptual design study of geological disposal system for HLW was carried out taking into account geological environment in Japan, in order to provide disposal concepts for integrated...

Microwave Application to TRU Wastes Conditioning System
Ceramic like wastes such as incinerated ash, thermal insulator, concrete, and soil and sand mostly being composed of a dielectric material, can be directly melted by microwave irradiation....

Concept Development of Small Cask to Large Cask Transfer Systems
Studies for EPRI have been performed by two contractors to develop conceptual designs for small cask to large cask transfers of spent fuel. From the work, two dry transfer concepts and...

Commissioning of High Level Liquid Waste Facilities
A programme of commissioning tests was carried out on the latest High Level Liquid Waste Evaporation and Storage Facilities constructed at BNF plc Sellafield, England. These tests set...

Formic Acid Requirement for Savannah River Site Defense Waste Processing Facility Melter Feed Preparation (U)
The Westinghouse Savannah River Company (WSRC) will vitrify the high-level radioactive waste into a borosilicate glass wasteform using a slurry-fed, joule-heated melter. Formic acid is...

Removal of Dissolved and Suspended Radionuclides from HWVP Liquid Wastes
It was determined during Preliminary Design of the Hanford Waste Vitrification Plant that certain intermediate process liquid waste streams should be decontaminated in a way that would...

Characterization of High Radioactive Waste in a Reprocessing Plant Using Passive and Active Neutronic Methods
In the new UP3 reprocessing plant at LA HAGUE, drums containing hulls and endpieces are produced at the end of the shearing and dissolution shop. The determination of residual fuel masses...

Product Quality and Process Control in the Windscale Vitrification Plant
The Windscale Vitrification Plant (WVP) is owned and operated by British Nuclear Fuels (BNFL) at the Sellafield Site in England. The purpose of the facility is to condition the high level...

The Processing of Simulated High-Level Radioactive Waste Sludges Containing Nitrites and Mercury
The reaction of formic acid with simulated alkaline sludge containing mercury and nitrite was studied in an engineering-scale facility. Quantification of offgas production was performed,...

Properties of Solidified HLW and Their Changes Under Storage and Disposal Conditions
The paper gives the results of the studies of the properties of different solidified high level waste (HLW) - vitreous (phosphate and borosilicate) composites as well as glass ceramics...





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