Silt Run Effectiveness in Withdrawing Sediment
An investigation was conducted during the silt runs on the North Platte River to determine the continued effectiveness of the runs in providing fine sediments to the canal systems downstream....

Sediment Flushing Experiences at Cherry Creek Dam
An overview of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District's experiences in sediment flushing operations at Cherry Creek Reservoir near Denver, Colorado is presented....

Hydrologiic Risk Analysis for Small Dams in Missouri
A methodology is presented for calculating the risk cost for a dam based on probabilities for rainfall depth, antecedent moisture condition, rainfall time distribution, initial reservoir...

Uncertainty and Value Analysis in the Selection of Dam Modification Alternative
Objectives and attributes were decided by the dam and watershed requirements, value judgments of decision makers, quantified trade-offs between different attribute values, and technical...

Dam Safety, Yes.; But What About Safety at Dams?
Design and construction of safe structures are the professional obligations of hydraulic engineers. However, there are environmental dangers with safe structures which engineers often...

Hydrologic Safety of Earth Dams
Hydrologic and hydraulic analyses are presented pertaining to the safety evaluation of an earth dam located downstream of another smaller earth dam. The upper dam is assumed to breach...

Lessons from Dam Incidents. US-II
The purpose of this report is to present available data to the profession regarding failures, accidents, and major repairs at dams in the United States. Data is analyzed with respect to...

Tied Arch Substitute
When the Minnesota DOT decided to build a new bridge to replace St. Paul's historic High Bridge over the Mississippi, a citizen's advisory group insisted that...

Long Distance Dam Data
Remote data collection systems are increasingly being used for dams. Instrumentation of structures for obtaining data on performance is not new. However, automation and computerization...

Leakproofing an RCC dam
A roller compacted concrete dam, Stacy Dam in Texas, is described and several methods of preventing leakage are mentioned. Reinforced concrete facings, placed after RCC completion, was...

Recycling Bridges
Faced with the statistics showing that more than half of our bridges have fallen into a state of disrepair, bridge engineers have coined a phrase from the lexicon of conservationists to...

Seismic Cutoff
The John Hart Dam, which is a 40-year old dam in British Vancouver, Canada, has been rehabilitated to meet current seismic codes. BC Hydro, the utility that owns the dam, conducted a study...

Conjunctive Use in the Niles Cone, California
The use of in-stream facilities for artificial recharge in stream channels as practiced in Alameda County, California, is discussed. The facilities are (1) stream channels with no other...

Techniques of Artificial Recharge from an Ephemeral Wadi Channel Under Extreme Arid Conditions
A series of field experiments and theoretical analysis was carried out for the alluvial system in Wadi Tabalah in order to determine the feasibility of implementing artificial recharge...

Review of the Nation's Water Resources Infrastructure Needs
Also published in Critical Water Issues and Computer Applications...

Barge Bottleneck Uncorked
Construction of the replacement Lock & Dam 26, on Mississippi River at Alton, Ill. near St. Louis, is described. The $1 billion job, programmed to be built over the period 1979-91,...

Earthquake Response of La Villita Dam
Due to the recent industrial and housing developments at the port of Lazaro Cardenas, located 13 km (8 miles) downstream of La Villita Dam, at the mouth of the Balsas River, the hazard...

Stopping Seepage
The Navajo Dam in New Mexico has major seepage problems. The Bureau of Reclamation, which owns the Dam, conducted studies, verified by outside consultants, concluding that the combination...

Risky Waters
Risk assessment is a tool engineers use to clarify the impact and issues associated with various choices and perspectives. Because problems and projects related to water have such a significant...

Erosion of the Slopes of Gold Tailings Dams
A study has been made of rates of erosion from the slopes of gold-residue dams in the South African Highveld region. Data is available for two years at this time and conclusions must therefore...





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