Full-Depth, Full-Width Design, and Prestressed Concrete Pave the Way for Arizona's Highways
In an attempt to resolve design problems of Arizona's non-reinforced portland cement concrete pavements, a series of test installations are being made involving a comparison...

Flood Control Planning in Albuquerque
In 1973, a 42-mi� area adjacent to Albuquerque, New Mexico, was about one-third developed, and drainage problems were evident. The area is on an alluvial fan at the foot of the Sandia...

Trans Alaska Pipeline
This is one of the most extraordinary projects contending for the OCEA awards. Examples: the 360 mile haul road built in one summer; the 29 construction camps, self-contained cities to...

Newark Airport Pilots Cost-Saving Runway Paving Concept
The NYC Met Section nominee for the 1978 Outstanding Civil Engineering Achievement Award was the expansion of Newark International Airport. The $200 million redevelopment included a new...

Isn't a Subway for Washington, D.C., Just the Thing�
After 100 years of dreaming and 10 years of design and construction, more than 22 miles and 28 stations of the Washington, D.C., Metro are now in revenue operation. When completed in 1983,...

The Renaissance of Downtown Detroit
The Detroit Renaissance Center consists of a 70-story hotel (one of the world's tallest) and 4 39 story office towers, plus restaurants, retail stores, and movie theaters....

Los Angeles Reservoir is Safe From Earthquakes
The Los Angeles Reservoir was nominated for the 1978 Outstanding Civil Engineering Achievement Award. The reservoir, which replaces the Van Norman Reservoir damaged during the 1971 San...

Chicago Sanitary District Pioneers in Controlling Flooding, Water Pollution
Chicago's Metropolitan Sanitary District is a national leader in at least four areas: (1)Controlling overflows of combined sewers. Chicago's answer to this problem...

Reliability and Limit States Approaches to Design
Increasingly, designers of structures and other civil engineering projects will be designing in these ways. What is the reliability approach? It is based in part on the fact that the magnitude...

Florida Sewage Plant First to Remove Nutrients with Bacteria Alone�� No Need for Costly Chemicals
Palmetto, Florida is now constructing the first advanced wastewater treatment plant in the U.S. to use the Bardenpho process. Unlike other AWT processes, this ingenious plant removes pohosphorus...

Germany, Belgium and Los Angeles have Mandatory Design Review for Major Structures
The report of the engineering investigation into the causes of the collapse of the Hartford Coliseum space truss cited design deficiencies as the cause of failure. That report also says...

How New York City Can Be Restored to Economic Health
To be restored to economic and fiscal health, New York City will have to make some fundamental reforms. The overall strategy is to obtain slack resources, then to invest these resources...

Behind the Exodus of Corporate Giants from New York City
A major bulwark of NYC's private sector has been the corporate office complex, composed of the headquarters of many of the U.S's largest corporations and the...

How to Save Our Cities
Much of what needs to be done to save the city is simply for the federal government to stop doing old and expensive wrong things: forget about urban renewal and urban expressways; stop...

Secret to Constructing Pittsburgh's New Busway Within Budget
The owner of Pittsburgh's new South Busway worked hard to create a climate of cooperation, good will, mutual trust, and team work among owner, consulting engineer, contractor,...

Mammoth Transshipment Terminal Links Montana Coal to Michigan Power Plant
In 1973 Detroit Edison contracted with the Decker Coal Company for 200 million tons (181 Tg) of Western low-sulphur coal over a period of 26 years to meet its requirement for low-cost,...

Exxon's Offshore Platform Nearly Doubles Water-Depth Record
In 1976, Exxon erected near Santa Barbara (Los Angeles metropolitan area) the Hondo platform, in 850 ft of water. This is nearly twice the previous record depth established in the North...

Seattle Freeway Park; A Scene of Blissful Contrasts
The Seattle Freeway Park was nominated for honorable mention for OCEA. Although not of massive scale and not dramatically innovative in civil engineering design and construction methods,...

Minnesota Interceptor Sewer Breaks New Ground
The Beltline Interceptor is a gravity interceptor sanitary sewer which has its outlet in St. Paul and its beginning in White Bear Lake. Major requirements called for a design which would...

502-ft Diameter Laminated-Timber Dome Provides Fast, Low-Cost Cover for Arizona Stadium
Varex Dome, a 502-ft diameter engineering marveel of glue laminated timber, was built in record six months erection time. This dome shell structure forms both walls and roof for the new...





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