Integrating Policy Factors in Stream-Aquifer Models
One of the main issues appearing today in the field of water resources is the management of complex hydrologic systems consisting of surface streams and aquifers. The management problem...

Irrigation in Mexico
Mexico has a great historic tradition in the construction of works for irrigation; irrigated agriculture has been practiced since the pre-hispanic epoch. The development of hydro-agriculture...

Irrigation Development in Alberta, Canada
Agricultural production in the southwestern part of the Canadian prairie provinces is limited by insufficient rainfall for optimum crop production. To overcome this moisture deficiency...

Strategy for Ground Water Planning
Though the percentage of ground water development is only 40%, many areas of India are over developed, where water tables are falling rapidly, due to over pumping. In some areas the surface...

Colorado High Mountain Aquifer Study
This paper describes the potential for formulating water projects in Colorado using the storage capability of high mountain glacial aquifers. Although a terminal moraine provides a natural...

Prediction of Sediment Yield for Southern California Watersheds
The objective of this paper is to present a scientific method based on multiple linear regression analysis between the sediment yield per square mile and a number of physically realistic...

Hansen Dam Sediment Modeling Study Impact of Water Supply vs. Flood Control Operational Modes on Sediment Deposition in the Reservoir Area
The analysis of scour and deposition in Hansen Reservoir by modeling the interaction between the water-sediment mixture, sediment material forming the stream's boundary and...

Annual Sediment Loads of Illinois Streams
Incorporation of sedimentation surveys for 24 Illinois lakes was needed to provide somewhat long-term average sediment yields of Illinois streams. For each suspended sediment station a...

Effects of Irrigated Agriculture on Groundwater Quality in the Corn Belt and Lake States
Irrigation of croplands has the potential to increase the rates at which water soluble substances are leached from soil into underlying aquifers. This paper evaluates the impact of irrigated...

Effect of Irrigated Agriculture on Ground-Water Quality in the Appalachian and Northeastern States
Irrigation acreage has more than doubled in Virginia, North Carolina, Delaware and Maryland in the last 10 years. Ground-water studies have been conducted in Delaware, Maryland and New...

Ground Water Pollution Potential from Irrigation?Eastern United States
The purpose of this paper is to present an evaluation method for determining the influence irrigation of agricultural land has on regional ground water quality. It integrates data on irrigation...

Impact of Irrigation on Groundwater Quality in Humid Areas
The GLEAMS Model (Groundwater Loading Effects of Agricultural Management Systems) was applied to estimate the effects of soil, planting date, irrigation level, and pesticide characteristics...

Interbasin Issues Related to Groundwater Management
This paper evaluates several options for settling disputes over sharing water and concludes in favor of well-conceived state compacts. More than other methods, such compacts offer continual...

Modification of the Step Drawdown Test for Pump Selection
This paper suggests a slightly modified mathematical model for pump tests whose aim is to design the correct pump for a well. The advantage of the model presented is that it incorporates...

Conjunctive Use Project in Beebe Draw, Co.
A geologically and hydrologically unique alluvial ground water basin, and the hydrologic interaction among aquifer, ground water pumping for irrigation, and the surface water storage and...

El Paso vs New Mexico, Ground Water or Other Options
The City of El Paso proposed to drill numerous water wells near the Texas-New Mexico and Mexico-New Mexico borders to supplement their water supply during the years 2000-2020 and thereafter....

Owens Valley, California Basin Management to Meet Both Water Resources and Environmental Goals
The City of Los Angeles imports over 60 percent of its water supply from the Owens River Watershed as part of the resources used in serving 3. 5 million people. As part of this operation,...

Mangement Studies of Farmington Bay, Great Salt Lake
The primary objective of this study is to evaluate management options for the Farmington Bay area of the Great Salt Lake in terms of water quantity and quality. For the study, it was assumed...

A 2-D Model for the Guaiba Estuary (Brazil)
On the northeastern edge of the Guaiba is Porto Alegre, with more than 1 million inhabitants. A navigation channel through the Guaiba Estuary and the Patos Lagoon links the city to the...

Water Quality and Hydrodynamics in a Shallow Lake
Hydrodynamics and water quality are closely coupled in a shallow lake via horizontal transport and sediment resuspension. The latter process is examined thru modeling and in situ field...





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