Least-Cost Scheduling of Advance Maintenance Dredging
New methods are suggested for scheduling advance maintenance dredging operations on isolated reaches of navigation channels. For reaches where siltation occurs regularly as a result of...

Issues in Regional Water Resources Planning and Management: A Great Lakes Case Study
This paper focuses on the obstacles and opportunities inherent in regional resource management efforts, with the Great Lakes Basin serving as a case study. The following areas are addressed:...

Sport Fish Consumption Advisories in the Great Lakes Basin: Assessment of Policy to Protect Human Health
Fish consumption advisories for Great Lakes sport fish are based on U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) tolerance or action levels for...

Hydraulic Performance of Berm Breakwaters
In recent years, the concept of unconventional rubble mound breakwaters, i.e berm breakwaters, has gained much attention among researchers and engineers as an economical method to build...

The Development of a Design for a Breakwater at Keflavik, Iceland
A breakwater design was developed to be built using local quarried rock and relatively simple construction methods. The design significant wave height was 5.8 and the maximum depth of...

The Design and Construction of a Mass Armoured Breakwater at Hay Point, Australia
The design and construction of a prototype mass armored breakwater is briefly described. The paper also explores the practicality of allowing the progressive interaction of design, physical...

Computing in Civil Engineering
Microcomputers to Supercomputers
This book contains papers presented at the Fifth Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering. Computer applications in specific disciplines are covered. These include construction engineering...

Water Power '87
The 1980's have been characterized as an era of uncertainty for world energy including future demand for energy, fuel prices and availability, regulatory constraints, environmental...

Building Code Requirements for Masonry Structures and Specifications for Masonry Structures
The proposed Building Code Requirements and Specifications for Masonry Structures presented in this book were developed by the Joint American Concrete Institute, American Society of Civil...

Pinpointing Nonpoint Pollution
The Tennessee Valley Authority is using aerial photography to locate nonpoint sources of water pollution. These cause most of the water quality problems in the region. Failing septic tanks...

Managing Mixed Waste
The category of mixed waste is an ambiguous one that is not clearly defined nor assigned to any one federal agency. These wastes, according to definitions in several government documents,...

A Study in Nuclear Decommissioning
The Gentilly-1 nuclear power plant two year decommissioning project launched a series of firsts for the nuclear power industry. It was the first commercial sized plant in the world to...

High Strength High Rise
For the sixth time in history, a structure billed as the world's tallest concrete building (over 950 ft) is under construction in Chicago. The contractors describe the structure...

Specifications for Trenchless Excavation
Many advancements and innovations have developed recently in the utilization of trenchless excavation, techniques throughout the world. In many instances, design details and specifications...

Retrospective Look Into Design Challenges of Boston Interceptors
The purpose of this paper is to share with designers and owners a retrospective evaluation of a major sewer system design effort. The process by which a major sewer design project reaches...

Current Developments in Reinsulating/Waterproofing Underground Steam Mains in New York City
The objective of Con Edison's reinsulation project is to develop the materials and technology necessary to reinsulate those steam distribution mains having excessive thermal...

Pipeline Curvature by Polynomial Approximation
Since start-up of the trans-Alaska pipeline in June of 1977, a variety of techniques have been investigated to monitor pipe settlement and evaluate associated pipe integrity. During the...

Corrosion Monitoring of Critical Service Pipelines
Corrosion, including microbiologically influenced corrosion (MIC), is receiving much attention as a significant piping material performance concern particularly for critical service pipelines...

Use of In-Place Lateral Reconstruction for Correction of Infiltration/Inflow
Extensive sewer collection system rehabilitation programs have done much and will continue to correct infiltration/inflow problems. However, re-evaluation of some of the earlier projects...

Getting to the Root of Sewer Problems
The ability to quantify and qualify work schedule in a clear, logical and precise manner can make the difference between an effective preventive maintenance program and one of 'trying'...





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