Litigation Support Investigations Involving Complex Flood Plains
This paper presents the case history of a devastating flood that occurred in a community located on a complex flood plain adjacent to a tidally influenced bay. Flooding resulted from cumulative...

Pinto Wash Alluvial Fan Litigation
This paper presents a case history involving flood/damage litigation brought by a downstream farmer against an upstream farmer and a local public irrigation district. The case combined...

Southwestern Drainage Litigation
In this paper, three technical sources of drainage litigation are examined. First, in the overall sparsely but locally densely populated Southwest, there is a severe lack of precipitation...

Flow Measurement Using a Digital Pressure-Time Method
This paper describes flow measurements performed by TVA's Engineering Laboratory as a part of absolute efficiency measurements of the two units at the Great Falls Hydro Plant....

Instrumentation for a Dry-Pond Detention Study
A 12.3-acre, fully urbanized, residential land-use catchment was instrumented by the U. S. Geological Survey in Topeka, Kansas. Hydraulic instrumentation for flow measurement includes...

The Changing Role of the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation
The Bureau's reorganization will enable it to more effectively and efficiently meet changing water resources needs in the western states. The new role of the Bureau is particularly...

Geotechnical and Hydraulic Stability Numbers for Channel Rehabilitation: Part I, the Approach
A model of incised channel evolution was developed to integrate the geotechnical and hydraulic factors that are involved in channel rehabilitation. Bank stability is attained when the...

Geotechnical and Hydraulic Stability Numbers for Channel Rehabilitation: Part II, Application
Stability numbers for bank stability (Ng) and bed stability (Nh) have been developed. Optimum placement of...

Riverbank Instability Due to Bed Degradation
Degradation lowers the bed of an alluvial channel over a long reach. This has the effect of increasing the bank heights and angles, which decreases the stability of the banks with respect...

Stratigraphy of Alluvial Fan Flood Deposits
The purpose of this paper is to describe an engineering geologic technique for assessing the frequency and magnitude of sedimentation events on alluvial fans. The technique is based on...

Design and Evaluation of Storm Water Detention Facilities Using a Design Storm and Probable Maximum Storm
When designing a storm water detention facility, both a design storm (DS) and a probable maximum storm (PMS) should be considered. The DS is used to design the facility. The PMS is used...

An Inline Retarding Basin
This paper discusses the idea of retarding flows within existing right-of-way in a linear basin. This concept is based on longitudinally dividing the right-of-way into two sections. The...

Scodie Canyon Flash Floods of 1984
This paper describes a unique thunderstorm and flood which occurred in Kern County, California in 1984. It describes the follow-up studies and method of implementation of building restrictions...

Alluvial Fan Flooding and Development Alternatives
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) utilizes a methodology which examines the probability of an incised channel forming at any given location across the fan, in consideration...

Comparison of Vertical Velocity Measurements in the Great Lakes Connecting Channels with Theoretical Profiles
Vertical distribution of velocities was measured with an upward looking acoustic Doppler current profiler in the upper St. Clair River during November 1984 - April 1986 and the Detroit...

Little Dry Creek Channel Improvements Provide Flood Control and Revitalization for Englewood, Colorado
A multi-purpose, off-stream storage facility located at the upstream end of the project provides 85 acre-feet of flood storage during the 100-year storm and provides athletic fields during...

Coastal Flood Insurance Study Procedures for Puget Sound
Procedures for a coastal flood insurance study are presented. The 10-, 50-, 100-, and 500-year recurrence interval runup flood evaluations are estimated from an analysis of historical...

Overview o New England Coastal Flood Study Methodology
This paper presents an overview of the development of methologies used to determine the probabilistic flood levels for New England coastal flood insurance studies. The Federal Insurance...

Hydrologic Conditions at the Des Plaines Wetlands
An area of abandoned farmland and gravel quarries in northeastern Illinois has been converted to a test site for methods to reestablish or restore wetlands. Four stream gaging stations...

Sediment Discharge Measurement with a Point Sampler
A procedure for measuring total sediment discharge using point-source suspended-sediment data was developed. The proposed procedure, Total Sediment Discharge (TSD), was tested with field...





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