Water Management of the Tenn-Tom Water
In December 1984 the final segments of the Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway were completed. The Waterway connects the Tennessee River to the Gulf of Mexico at the City of Mobile. The total...

Computational Enhancements to a Multidimensional Dynamic Programming Algorithm
This paper discusses ongoing work in investigating the vectorization potential (speed-up) of multidimensional dynamic programming computer codes on the Control Data Corporation (CDC) CYBER...

Procedures in a Change of Water Rights
The general procedures used in the water right analysis for a change in a water right must be applied to the historic use and then repeated for the proposed new use. The required analysis...

Factual Issues in Water Rights Changes
When an appropriator of a water right desires to change the manner in which the right is exercised there are a number of factors that must be considered. These include the types of changes...

Meadow ET in the Bear River Basin of Utah, Wyoming and Idaho
This study was begun in 1982 to assist the Bear River Commission in their statutory obligation of determining a duty of water under the Bear River compact. The study involved installing...

Maximum and Actual ET from Grasses and Grass-Like Plants
Two studies of mountain meadow water use were conducted along the Little Laramie River and in the Upper Green River Basin of Wyoming. Monthly and seasonal data from twelve non-weighing...

Water Requirements for Range Plant Establishment
A conceptual model was developed which describes a series of pathways or transition sequences which a seed or seedling may follow during the initial wet-dry-wet periods after planting....

Phreatophyte Water Use Estimated by Eddy-Correlation Methods
Water-use was estimated for three phreatophyte communities: a saltcedar community and an alkali-Sacaton grass community in New Mexico, and a greasewood rabbit-brush-saltgrass community...

Water Use by Saltcedar in an Arid Environment
Specialized instruments and measurement techniques developed at the University of Arizona facilitate precise estimation of evapotranspiration (ET) with the energy budget model. Use of...

Sedimentation Problems of the California Aqueduct
The California Aqueduct crosses the alluvial fans of many intermittent streams on the west side of the San Joaquin Valley. At two sites where watershed sediment yields were underestimated,...

Sedimentation in the All-American Canal
During the planning for the All-American Canal, by the U. S. Bureau of Reclamation as part of the Boulder Canyon Project, works were designed at the head of the canal to remove between...

Flood Reduction Efficiency of the Water-Management System in Dade County (Miami), Florida
Two tropical weather systems, Hurricane Donna (1960) and Tropical Storm Dennis (1981), produced nearly equivalent amounts of rainfall in a 48-hour period south of the Miami (Florida) area....

Emergency Flood Management, Salt Lake City, Utah
This paper discusses Salt Lake City's response to the floods of 1983 and 1984. Peaks during these years were very high with historic records being set in both years. Management...

Selecting a Stormwater Service Level for Urban Control
Recently, more and more emphasis is being placed on the maintenance of pre- and post-development runoff peaks from a specified design storm. The limit on post-development flood peaks requires...

Use of Continuous Simulation Versus the Design Storm Concept for Water Quality
The validity of the design storm concept has been challenged by several investigators since the development of computer simulation models. Of particular interest are the studies that compare...

Uncertainties in Groundwater Transport Modeling
Using synthetic data from a hypothetical aquifer, the effects of data availability and data uncertainty were studied by the combined use of a parameter identification (PI) algorithm and...

Estimation and Inference in the Inverse Problem
The estimation of groundwater flow and mass transport parameters is approached via maximum likelihood. Confidence intervals and hypothesis tests as well as the asymptotic properties of...

Mixed Solute Interactions in Groundwater Systems
Research results are presented from a study examining the competitive sorption effects of two organic chemicals, para-dichlorobenzene and 2,4-dichlorophenol, to solids from the Cohansey...

Dredged Spoil Storage Basin in the Coastal Waters Near Rotterdam
The maintenance dredging for the Rotterdam harbour area amounts to 23 million m**3 per year, 10 million m**3 of which is polluted to such an extent that a controlled storage is required....

Dredged Material Disposal in the Lower Great Lakes
The Buffalo District Corps of Engineers is responsible for dredging the harbors in Lakes Erie and Ontario. Approximately 2,000,000 cubic yards (1,529,000 cubic meters) of material are...





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