Selection of Performance Levels for Longitudinal Barriers
There is a demand within the highway community for multi-service level safety features, including traffic barriers. The need has become more acute in recent years as revenues decline and...

Performance of Highway Traffic Barriers
This paper describes an investigation of traffic barrier performance in New York State. A one-year sample of all traffic-barrier accidents in the state was obtained from Department of...

Occupant Risk in Longitudinal Barrier Collisions
The following paper presents data derived from sled test experiments, full-scale vehicle crash tests as well as an in-depth analysis of accident data which suggest that occupants are not...

Rowes Wharf: A Case Study in Substructure Innovation
Rowes Wharf is a project with many unique features. This paper has attempted to briefly review just one of these features - Up/Down construction. The willingness of the development team...

Innovative Solutions to the Challenges of Heavy Civil Projects
Each heavy construction project presents unique conditions and challenges. For large projects, the work scope may justify an extensive engineering analysis and significant investments...

Demands and Means for Construction Innovation
Increasing complexity of the facilities owners need, increasing concern by owners regarding the cost effectiveness of investments in constructed facilities, and growing capability and...

Arbitration: A Risky Method for Resolving Disputes
Arbitration has been widely praised as a speedy, 'inexpensive' alternative to litigation for resolving a wide range of disputes, including disputes arising from...

Construction Insurance: An Alternative Unified Risk Insurance
The transfer of risk mechanism (insurance) can be applied to solve problems unique to the construction environment. The proposed program is worthy of support since all segments of the...

Quality Assurance/Quality Control: Alternative Approaches to Reduce Failures
Efforts to achieve quality on construction projects usually center around code-compliant design, thorough specifications, and careful inspection. The alarming increase in both the frequency...

Preliminary Seismic Risk Maps for Puget Sound
Ground shaking during Puget Sound earthquakes is characterized by irregularly shaped areas of high intensity ground motion, not all of which are correlated with soil type. Simulation of...

Earthquake Risks to Utah Water and Gas Systems
Designed to guide local earthquake hazard reduction programs, this study estimates direct aggregate earthquake damage to Davis and Salt Lake County utilities. For making these loss estimates,...

Seismic Risk Assessment for a Utility System
Presented is a procedure by which a utility could develop the probabilities for different levels of capital loss exposure for its system. The procedure relies on experience data obtained...

Seismic Risk Analysis of LNG Storage Tanks
This paper presents an approach to the seismic safety review of existing LNG storage tanks. The approach considers the seismic hazards from ground motion, surface fault rupture, and soil...

Future Containerships from a Ship Owner's Viewpoint
This paper is a presentation of the author's projection of size and design constraints of future containerships. There is a discussion of containers and on-deck container...

Expert System Tools for Civil Engineering Applications
Expert system software tools have played a major role in expediting program development. Some problems should not and possibly cannot be solved by current expert system technology. For...

Howsafe: A Microcomputer-Based Expert System to Evaluate the Safety of a Construction Firm
This paper discusses the development of the Howsafe expert system as a case history in knowledge engineering on microcomputers. The focus is on issues of knowledge representation, reasoning...

An Expert System for Construction Schedule Analysis
This paper describes a prototypical expert system for the analysis and evaluation of construction scheduling networks from an owners' perspective. The knowledge base, which...

Application of Expert Systems to Construction Management Decision-Making and Risk Analysis
Application of expert systems in the area of construction management decision-making and risk analysis are explored. Decision-making under uncertainty is one of the attributes of human...

Seismic Risk Analysis System
The Seismic Risk Analysis System was developed to model the expertise of experienced engineers and researchers and to provide consultation to the users. The Seismic Risk Analysis System...

KBES and Interactive Graphics
Knowledge Based Expert System (KBES) is at research and testing stage at present. Engineers have begun to accept Interactive graphics System (IGS) as a tool in decision making. This paper...





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