The Annotated Outline Process for a Mined Geologic Disposal System License Application
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) is studying Yucca Mountain, Nevada, as a potential site for a mined geologic repository for high-level nuclear waste. DOE has the responsibility to...
Nuclear Regulatory Commission Staff Development of the License Application Review Plan for a High-Level Radioactive Waste Repository
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission staff has recently started a new initiative to develop the License Application Review Plan (LARP) which the staff will use in its reviews of the U.S....
Limited Work Authorization for a Monitored Retrievable Storage Facility
The issuance of an limited work authorization (LWA) by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC/Commission) allows a potential licensee permission to undertake preliminary site construction,...
Thinking Through the Rethinking Report
Congressional action in late 1992 set aside the existing standards for post-closure safety of a possible repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)...
Alternative Strategies?A Means for Saving Money and Time on the Yucca Mountain Project
The United States Department of Energy (DOE) is undertaking studies to determine the suitability of Yucca Mountain (YM) as a potential site for disposal of high-level nuclear waste. Yucca...
The Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) Integrated Project Management System
The Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP), located 26 miles east of Carlsbad, New Mexico, is a research and development project of the Department of Energy (DOE), tasked with the mission...
Recent Management Experience of UK Performance Assessments of Radioactive Waste Disposal
The approach to management used over the past decade by a UK Government regulatory body (HMIP) to develop, test and apply integrated risk assessment methods, using a team of private contractors,...
Remote Spent Fuel Handling in France at the La Hague Cask Unloading Facility
French policy for the back end of fuel cycle is based on spent fuel reprocessing. Irradiated spent fuels are transferred in casks from the nuclear reactors to the reprocessing plant where...
Application of Discrete Event Simulation to MRS Design
The application of discrete event simulation to the Monitored, Retrievable Storage (MRS) material handling operations supported the MRS conceptual design effort and established a set of...
Conceptual Design of a Monitored Retrievable Storage Facility
In order to achieve timely acceptance of spent nuclear fuel into the federal radioactive waste management system and to limit the amount of additional at-reactor storage capacity that...
Demonstration of a Transportable Storage System for Spent Nuclear Fuel
The ultimate disposal of spent nuclear fuel is a major issue that continues to plague the nuclear industry and the Department of Energy (DOE). In an effort to resolve some of the outstanding...
System Impacts on MRS Operations
This paper describes the results of analyses conducted to evaluate impacts on monitored retrievable storage (MRS) operations and design resulting from possible changes in the CRWMS Reference...
Human Factors Engineering Applications to the Cask Design Activities of the Civilian Radioactive Waste Management Program
The use of human factors engineering (HFE) in the design and use of spent fuel casks being developed for the Department of Energy's Civilian Radioactive Waste Management Program is addressed....
Reliability Modeling of an Engineered Barrier System
The Weibull distribution is widely used in reliability literature as a distribution of time to failure, as it allows for both increasing failure rate (IFR) and decreasing failure rate...
A Systematic Human Factors Assessment of a Department of Energy Facility
This paper presents the methodology for conducting a systematic human factors assessment of the as-built configuration of buildings at the Rocky Flats Plant (RFP). In support of this effort,...
Optimizing Human Reliability: Mock-Up and Simulation Techniques in Waste Management
This presentation describes an ongoing effort to incorporate human factors principles into the design and process development for waste management programs at a nuclear weapons plant....
Impact of Staffing Parameters on Operational Reliability
This paper reports on a project related to human resource management of the Department of Energy's (DOE's) High-Level Waste (HLW) Tank program. Safety and reliability of waste tank operations...
Simulated Hanford Waste: A Study of Physical Properties, Gas Retention, and Gas Generation
This study helps to establish the physical and chemical processes responsible for the generation and retention of gases within high-level waste contained in Tank 101-SY on the Hanford...
Photothermal Deflection Spectroscopy Investigations of Uranium Electrochemistry
Photothermal deflection spectroscopy (PDS) has been successfully applied to the study of uranium oxide electrochemistry. A brief description of PDS and preliminary results that demonstrate...
Evaluation of Spent Fuel Behavior Under Interim Storage Conditions in Russia
The nuclear power in Russia is based on three types of water cooled power reactors VVER-440, -1000 and RBMK-1000. Two fast sodium cooled reactors-prototypes BN-350 and BN-600 are in commercial...
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