Urban Hydrology and Catchment Research in the United Kingdom - Progress Since 1979
The Wallingford Procedure for the design and analysis of urban drainage systems was released in late 1981 for use by drainage engineers in the United Kingdom. This was the most significant...

Urban Hydrology Progress Since 1979 in the U.S.
Much of the progress in urban hydrology in the U. S. occurred before 1979. Some of the results of activities initiated or reported before that date are just becoming widely known, however....

Oil Rigs Designed to Combat Arctic Ice
Exploration and drilling rigs now being designed for use in the Beaufort Sea must withstand ice forces never before encountered. Design approaches include using the geometry of these structures...

Cold Regions Construction
A State of the Practice Report
An overview of cold region construction and state of the practice reviews of various aspects of this engineering specialty are presented. The overview covres the development of cold region...

Cofferdams Protecting New York Bridges from Ship Collisions
During the past few decades, there have been a number of cases where ships have rammed bridge piers, triggering the superstructure's collapse. The most tragic case was the...

Engineering and Construction in Tropical and Residual Soils
Thirty-one papers and six invited lectures presented at the specialty conference on engineering and construction in tropical and residual soils are included. The proceedings represent...

Microcomputer Water Quality Simulation Model
Water quality models are widely used in the analysis of natural water systems to evaluate the impacts of wastewater handling alternatives and changes in land use. Linear, steady-state,...

Financing Water Projects: Count on Uncle Sam Less!
The federal government has been the chief underwriter of many water resources projects in the U.S., but now changes in the Administrtion's policies have spurred new directions...

The San Diego Trolley
(1981 OCEA Special Achievement Award in Cost-Effective Public Transit.) The 16-mile long San Diego Trolley system, a light-rail transit project...

Orlando International: Airport of the 21st Century
The latest technology in airport design from the apron overlays to the terminal itself was incorporated at Orlando International, the nation's fastest growing airport. Now...

Denny Creek: The Toughest Bridge Washington State Ever Built
The story of how highway planners and engineers in Washington State's Department of Transportation were stopped from building a highway and viaduct through a pristine wilderness...

Bibliography on Ocean Energy
With the prospect of an increasing shortage of energy resources, there has been a growing interest in renewable alternative sources of energy. An increasing effort is being directed towards...

Inspecting Town Bridges in Connecticut
A federally financed inventory and inspection program for town bridges was carried out in Connecticut. This article describes how the authors' firm inspected 343 bridges of...

Collapse of the Kansas City Hyatt Regency Walkways
A summary of the National Bureau of Standards report on the collapse of the Kansas City Hyatt Regency walkways is presented. The report does not assign blame to any party; rather, it explains...

Environmentally Sound Water and Soil Management
These proceedings contain the papers and abstracts presented at the 1982 Irrigation and Drainage Division of the American Society of Civil Engineers Specialty Conference held in Orlando,...

Knoxville's Junction Functions
The urban highway system in Knoxville was originally built as a local expressway in the early 1950's. It was designed to significantly lower standards than Interstate and...

Hazardous Waste Landfill: Some Lessons from New Jersey
There are four key elements in a secure, hazardous waste landfill: a bottom liner; a leachate collection system; a cover; and the natural hydrogeologic setting. Each of these elements...

Organic Chemical Fire in Illinois: Emergency Response and Cleanup
In April 1980 at Hillsboro, Illinois, a fire in an agricultural chemical warehouse generated a hazardous smoke plume, and some 250,000 gallons of water used in fighting the fire were highly...

Salvaging Cleveland
Cleveland, Ohio has suffered from shrinking inner-city wealth resulting in reduced budgets for its urban infrastructure. Now, led by the Greater Cleveland Growth Association, the city...

Houston Moves to Unravel Traffic
Houston, Texas is growing and has more cash to invest in its infrastructure than most American cities. Roads are being repaired and improved, more highways built, and new management strategies...





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