Results of a Regional Synthetic Unit Hydrograph Study
Selected results of a regional synthetic unit hydrograph study are presented. Using the gamma function to approximate the SCS curvilinear unit hydrograph, peak rate factors were determined...

Application of the New SCS Time of Concentration Method
The second edition of the Soil Conservation Service (SCS) TR-55, published in June 1986, introduces a new method for calculating the time of concentration for storm runoff flowing through...

Some New Snyder Type Coefficients for Small Watersheds
Data collected on the Goodwin Creek watershed has produced a continuous hydrologic record from 37 rain gages and runoff record from 14 runoff stations within a drainage area of 8. 26 sq...

Changing Hydrology - The Middle Mississippi River
Observed daily flow and stage at major stream gages on the middle Mississippi River are numerically and graphically analyzed to quantify and illustrate the magnitude and seasonality of...

The Dallas Floodway Project
This paper explores the history of the Dallas Floodway project, past performance of the project under various flood conditions, recently updated hydrologic and hydraulic evaluations, and...

Probability Based Evaluation of Spillway Capacity
Spillway adequacy could be evaluated more objectively if estimates were available of the probabilities of discharges up to the Probable Maximum Flood (PMF). As a first step in making such...

An Analysis and Comparison of Probable Maximum Floods with 10,000-year Frequency Floods and Maximum Observed Floods for Spillway Design
The use of deterministic probable maximum floods are supported in part by the conclusions of an Interagency Work Group formed to address the following questions: (1) Is it within the state...

Verifications and Applications of a Nonpoint Source Pollution Model
To meet the needs of the Illinois Comprehensive Monitoring and Evaluation (CM&E) project of the Rural Clean Water Program (RCWP), the Agricultural Nonpoint Source Pollution Model...

Legal Misuse of Urban Hydrology Concepts and Regulations for Rural Areas
This paper presents recent observations of the misuse of technical definition, hydrologic concepts, sedimentation engineering principles, and flood control regulations by the legal profession...

Optimization of Complex Hydrologic Models Using Random Search Methods
The primary objective of automated calibration of complex conceptual hydrologic simulation models is to find the global optimum of a specified response surface. While direct search techniques...

Time Base of a Hydrograph
For design projects in water resources, a hydrograph is commonly used to determine the required flood volumes. The time base of a hydrograph is a crucial parameter in such studies, and...

Simulation Algorithms for Offshore Structures
A rational procedure for characterization of water depths for a random sea state is developed, in context with linearized wave theory. The importance of using the expressions for 'intermediate...

Environmental Engineering
The American Society of Civil Engineers annually sponsors a Specialty Conference on Environmental Engineering. The 1987 Conference was held in Orlando, Florida on July 7-9, 1987 with cooperation...

Coastal Hydrodynamics
This book includes papers presented at the ASCE Specialty Conference on Coastal Hydrodynamics Conference, at the University of Delaware, June 28-July 1, 1987. The papers review the state...

Rescuing the Everglades
After a century of trying to control Florida's Everglades, water management officials have decided that cooperating with nature is better. A new strategy known as the Rainfall...

Cleanup on a Large Scale
The San Gabriel Basin yields 200,000 ac ft of groundwater a year from 400 supply wells. This water makes up 95% of the Valley's water supply. Already 30% of the water pumped...

Fishing the Four-Lane
Recent changes in one Montana canyon have shown that even highways and freshwater fish can happily coexist with the proper planning. Twenty years ago, the Montana Department of Highways...

Treating Expansive Soils
Damage that expansive soils do to light buildings can often be prevented or mitigated by preconstruction soil treatment. Treatments of three kinds are described�reworking the soil, controlling...

Hydraulic Engineering
The papers in this book were presented at the ASCE National Conference on Hydraulic Engineering, August, 1987, Williamsburg, Va. The objective of this conference was to provide a forum...

Irrigation Systems for the 21st Century
This book contains papers presented at the ASCE Irrigation and Drainage Division specialty conference, Irrigation Systems for the 21st Century, held in Portland, Oregon, July, 1987. Environmental...





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