Surface Water Analysis for Ground Water Simulation
The California Department of Water Resources (DWR) has applied a hydrologic-economic modeling (HEM) system to the analysis of ground water use in the San Joaquin Valley. An important component...

Simple Removal and Recovery of Irrigation Drainage Salts
This paper reports on preliminary tests of an alternative for simple removal and recovery of irrigation drainage salt. Using a novel system for evaporating waters from capillary surfaces,...

Agricultural Drainage Water Treatment?Are Toxic Elements Useful?
The problems pertaining to disposing of agricultural drainage water in the San Joaquin Valley are explained. Details are presented on a pilot plant which is pretreating the drainage water...

A GIS to Predict Non-Point Source Pollution Potential
The non-point pollution potential of agricultural lands was analyzed using a geographic, computer based system. Bacterial pollution received special emphasis. The system accepts digitally...

Design for Comuputer-Aided Water Resource Planning
This paper discusses an integrated approach to computerizing the major functions of regulatory agencies involved in water resource planning and water quality protection. This integrated...

Linking Data Base Management and Computer Models
Storing, tabulating, and graphing large volumes of data, not usually a strong point of a computer model, is more appropriate for a data base management system. A blend of these two technologies,...

A Customized Database Management System for Watershed Modeling
When large watershed areas are being studied and continuously monitored, it is desirable to create a database management system (DBMS) that provides the necessary capability to build and...

Gully Incision Prediction on Reclaimed Slopes
An investigation was conducted to estimate the potential of gully intrusion into reclaimed waste impoundments. A series of eight reclaimed impoundments exhibiting gully intrusions were...

Parameter Optimization of Dynamic Routing Models
The methodology utilizes approximate cross-sectional properties represented by separate power functions for channel and floodplain, and a very efficient optimization algorithm for determining...

Making Water System Rehabilitation Decisions
Making decisions regarding water distribution systems has always involved a great deal of judgment due to the complexity of the decisions involved. This paper presents a framework for...

Water Infrastructure Maintenance Needs?A Case Study
Adoption of measures to prevent loss of water in many cases is cost-effective. In order to illustrate the magnitude of infrastructure problems of large cities, a test case infrastructure...

Modernizing the Maintenance Function
The Los Angeles County Department of Public Works maintains one of the largest and most complex flood control and water conservation systems in the world. A system study of the maintenance...

An Experimental Study on the Effect of Wastewater Application in Dry Wells and Its Impact on Groundwater
A study was conducted in order to gather accurate information on the effectiveness of dry wells for use in wastewater disposal and the effect of such disposal practice on groundwater....

Investigating and Treating Chromium in Ground Water at a Wood Treater in California
A wood treating facility, operating for more than five years without required permits, contaminated soil and ground water on and offsite. The company moved slowly in response to enforcement...

Remedial Action Alternatives for Groundwater Contamination
Preliminary remedial action alternatives are formulated for a site contaminated by heavy metals. The results of soils and hydrogeologic investigations are summarized and three corrective...

Liquid Waste Pollution from a Sugar Cane Industry
The water pollution survey as performed in this study, indicates that all liquid wastes from the mill are segregated. The chemical waste sewerage systems supposedly conveys these wastes...

On the Ship's Waterways Passing Through Bridges
This paper reports on a study of bridge openings that serve as waterways, in view of the analysis of ship collision accidents. For the purpose of this study, cases of ship collision accidents...

Central Arizona Project Startup
The Central Arizona Project is a water conveyance scheme, lifting and conveying Colorado River water from Lake Havasu on the Colorado River 190 miles to Phoenix and another 150 miles to...

Operations Models of the Columbia Reservoir System
Several of the computer models used in management of the basin's reservoir system are described. Among the models discussed are the Streamflow Synthesis and Reservoir Regulation...

Model to Maximize Releases for Supplemental Generation in a Pump-Storage System
An optimization model has been developed to maximize releases for supplemental power generation in a pump-storage system. The model was developed to aid in the scheduling of pump-storage...





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