Sedimentation in Small Hydropower Reservoirs
Small-scale hydropower projects, which usually include reservoirs of limited size, may inherently incorporate severe sedimentation problems. The ratio of reservoir volume to sediment inflow...

Hydropower Plant on an Irrigation Pipeline
A 940-kW hydroelectric plant was installed on a renovated irrigation pipeline at a Bishop, California ranch. On its way to the ranch, the falling water now generates an average of 4. 2...

Negotiating a FERC License for the Terror Lake Project
Recently, a long, intense negotiation was completed over the Terror Lake Hydropower project on Kodiak Island in Alaska. The bargaining over the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)...

Planning a Resource-Compatible Low Head Waterpower Development
Responsible development of waterpower potential is a significant aspect of comprehensive water resource planning. Recent interest in small scale hydro projects has generated concern among...

Walden Hydroelectric Power Project
The Wallkill River at Walden, New York, produced hydroelectric power from 1909 to 1966. Using turbines dating back to the original hydroelectric development, the Walden hydroelectric station...

Camp Far West Hydroelectric Project--From Concept to Reality
The project has progressed through a series of predictable development stages including a detailed feasibility study, major project licensing, an environmental Initial Study and Negative...

Water Supply Supplemented by Airport Storm Runoff
The quality of natural and induced storm water runoff from Oahu's Honolulu International Airport (HIA) and four outer island airports in Hawaii was evaluated for water supply...

Studying Water System Operation by Computer
Computer modeling can greatly improve the planning and operation of water systems at relatively low cost. Time-dependent water system models can be used to refine improvements to a water...

Stochastic Analysis and Modeling Levels of a Land-Locked Lake for Resource Development
Lakes are valuable natural resources that can be tapped for recreational, agricultural and other extensive lake side developments. Natural variability of lake levels is an important factor...

Current Hydraulics Research at the Iowa Institute of Hydraulic Research
The Iowa Institute of Hydraulic Research is engaged in fundamental and applied research on a broad range of fluid mechanics and hydraulics problems. The history and organization of the...

Research in Hydraulics at California Institute of Technology
Activities are centered in the W. M. Keck Laboratory of Hydraulics and Water Resources. Research projects active at the Laboratory reflect a continuing commitment to traditional areas...

Bureau of Reclamation Hydraulic Laboratory
The Bureau of Reclamation used hydraulic models for the first time in 1930 in the laboratory of the Colorado Agriculture Experimental Station in Fort Collins, Colorado. In 1946 the Reclamation...

Hydraulic Research--U.S. Geological Survey
Research at the Gulf Coast Hydroscience Center near Bay St. Louis, Mississippi, is being conducted in an indoor laboratory, and an outdoor laboratory. Much of the current indoor lab research...

Will Southern California Revert to a Desert?
The nearly 13 million people in Southern California - one-half of California's population - face the prospect of water shortages in the near future. These people depend on...

Special Drought Operations of Oroville Reservoir
Special operations of Oroville Reservoir during the 1976-77 California drought resulted in good spawning conditions in the Feather River for migrating king salmon. Special cold water releases...

Plastic and Other Limit State Methods for Design Evaluation
These proceedings consist of seven papers dealing with the topic of the design of complex structures using limit state methods. The emphasis is on the role of plastic or limit load techniques....

Operational Cloud Seeding Projects in the Western United States
The physical concepts of weather modification were developed and tested in the mid 1940's by Vincent Schafer and Bernard Vonnegut. Since that time, many projects have come...

Guidelines for Transmission Line Structural Loading
Procedures are provided for the selection of design loads and load factors based on the latest research and state-of-the-art design techniques. This selection has an effort on the reliability...

Computers in the Construction Resident Office
The application of small computers to the management and control of construction projects is obvious. However, what benefits could be realized from their application in a resident office,...

Computer Estimating System-Design / Implementation
The Ball, Ball and Brosamer (BBB) Construction Company of Danville, California recognized the need to computerize their estimating process in the fall of 1981. This paper is a narrative...





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