Project Management Software: What Is in the Future?
This paper predicts the future of project management software and provides a discussion of the assumptions made to develop these predictions. It provides a flexible framework for future...

Computer Management Concepts for Student Engineering
This paper presents many of the principles and concepts being taught to engineers of the future concerning their use of computer related activities. For example, from the cost/risk/benefit...

Computers on the Project Team
This paper presents the utilization of various computer technologies as an integral part of the project team at a large multi-discipline Architectural/Engineering firm. Technologies discussed...

Painless Method of Using Computers in A/E Firms
There is now an efficient and economical method of using computer technology in a small A/E firm. The recent advances in microcomputer technology have made it possible to take advantage...

Encouraging and Controlling Use of Automation
Judicious use of automation can greatly enhance the productivity of an engineering staff. Integration of multiple computing processes with technology such as plotting, digitizing, total...

Applying an Automated Storage and Retrieval System to a Centralized Bus Maintenance Facility
Gannett Fleming recently completed the design of a new Central Maintenance Facility for the Southern California Rapid Transit District. An integral part of this facility is an automated...

Structural Vibrations Associated with Large Incubation Tanks
It is the purpose of this paper to describe the format of an investigation wherein the train of evidence led from an assumption of a strictly mechanical cause to an actual cause that was...

Aseismic Capability Prediction from Failure Data
Forensic engineering evaluations of failures have produced a wealth of technical data. In this paper, evaluation of representative failure data from one practitioner provided relevant...

Particles, Pretreatment, and Performance in Water Filtration
Relationships among raw water quality, pretreatment facilities, and the design of packed bed filters are presented and applied. The particle size, particle concentration, particle surface...

Automation of Booster Pump Stations
Several techniques have been used to automate booster pump stations for irrigation conveyance systems. These pump stations typically must supply pressurized water for a wide range of flow...

Drain Maintenance in the Imperial Valley
Imperial Valley, located in the southeast corner of California is one of the most intensely irrigated areas in the world. Since Colorado River salinity is currently about 800 mg/l (1....

Physical Evaluation of a Buried Drainage System
The drainage problem in the 600,000 acre (1. 5 million ha) Westlands Water District (District), located in the Central San Joaquin Valley in California is that of a perched saline groundwater...

Effects of Streambed Processes on Interaction Between Surface and Groundwater
In open channel systems, the phenomena commonly referred to as 'clogging' is caused by settling of sediment and straining of suspended material as water moves...

Time Rated Infiltrated Depth Families
A new set of infiltration families has been developed, for 'normal' soils to describe cumulative infiltrated depth versus time. This new family of curves is described...

Development of a Multi-Modal Information System
This paper outlines the design and development of a Multi-Modal Information System in Duluth, Minnesota. The system applies state-of-the-art microcomputer technology to the provision of...

Upgrading to Super-Micros
The Association of Central Oklahoma Governments (ACOG) is a regional planning agency and Metropolitan Planning Organization in central Oklahoma, responsible for maintaining a large data...

Security Issues for Microcomputers
This paper addresses microcomputer security in the context of a transportation agency. Schemes for physical protection of hardware, such as locking workstations and alarms, are examined...

Microcomputer Software Support at the State Level
This paper describes a case where the organizational approach to microcomputer control was taken and contrasts the results with optimal individual systems within the group. In this context,...

Microcomputer Needs of Small and Mid-Sized Ontario Transit Properties
This paper describes some current initiatives in Ontario, Canada by a central funding agency to support and encourage the use of microcomputers in small and mid-sized transit properties....

The Group Approach to Implementing Micro Systems
This paper highlights a nearly three year effort to implement microcomputer information systems on 16 small and medium sized transit properties in Wisconsin using a 'group...





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