Source Tracing of Toxicants in Storm Drains
Sources of toxic chemicals in storm drains are often difficult to locate and even more difficult to control. Receiving environment chemistry, storm drainage maps, land use information,...

Long-Term Effects of Urban Stormwater on Wetlands
In 1986 scientists and managers associated with local, state, and federal agencies that have wetland protection and stormwater management responsibilities in the region joined to consider...

Design of Urban Runoff Quality Controls
This book describes current practice in the design of pollution controls for urban runoff. The contents comprise the proceedings of an Engineering Foundation Conference held in July 1988,...

Systems for Artificial Recharge of Ground Water
Design and management of infiltration systems should be adapted to local conditions of water quality, climate, soil, hydrogeology, and environmental constraints. Aspects to be considered...

The Economic factors of Ground Water Recharge Projects
As a result of the Water Conservation and Water Quality Bond Law of 1986, the State of California is now providing low interest loans to local water agencies to finance ground water recharge...

Bureau of Reclamation's High Plains States Ground Water Recharge Program
The Bureau of Reclamation is conducting a two-phase program to demonstrate the feasibility of recharging declining aquifers in the 17 western states. The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS),...

Ground Water Recharge and Management Under the Small Reclamation Projects Act
The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation through its Small Reclamation Loan Program is providing needed Federal financial and technical assistance to water users in Southern California to help ease...

Reclamation's Recharge Projects: California-Nevada
Under the High Plains States Groundwater Demonstration Program, the Bureau of Reclamation has recommended construction of 21 projects in 17 western states. The projects contain technical...

Recovery Efficiency From Single-Well Injection/Recovery Tests in a Limestone Aquifer of High Secondary Porosity
An analytical advection-diffusion model was developed to assess the feasibility of injecting and recovering water in a limestone aquifer of high secondary porosity. The model was calibrated...

Artificial Recharge Research at the University of Arizona
This paper summarizes pit- and well-recharge trials at Tucson, Arizona. The pit recharge trials examined management techniques and characterized flow patterns in the 80 ft thick vadose...

Feasibility of Artificial Recharge to the Oakes Aquifer, Southeastern North Dakota
Based on measured well yields, initial surface infiltration rates, and ground-water quality, the Oakes aquifer can support a large-scale artificial recharge-irrigation project. An aquifer...

Ground Water Recharge Through Wells
Surface runoff water accumulates in natural depressions called playas on the Southern High Plains; most of it is wasted by evaporation. The water is turbid, but otherwise of good quality...

Aquifer Storage Recovery: A New Water Supply and Ground Water Recharge Alternative
Aquifer Storage Recovery (ASR) involves treated drinking water that is stored underground by injection into a suitable storage zone during those months of the year when available supply...

Aquifer Storage Recovery (ASR): A Potential Solution to the Eutrophication of Florida's Lake Okeechobee
Progress and preliminary results of a demonstration project of the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) are discussed. Formed in 1985, the Lake Okeechobee Technical Advisory...

Artificial Recharge and Water Supply in The Netherlands
In 1984 infiltration by surface spreading was 156 million m3, serving 15% of total supply of drinking water in the Netherlands. Already for some...

Subsurface Injection of Storm Water Runoff into an Underground Storage of Bangkok
Subsurface injection through a well into sand and gravel formations of the Bangkok aquifer of untreated canal water whose composition considered similar to that of storm water runoff,...

Tucson Recharge with Existing Potable Water System
In 1987, a study was undertaken to evaluate the potential for using the City of Tucson's existing potable water distribution system and production wells for recharge of treated...

Ground Water Recharge with Sewage Effluent
Recharge systems for soil-aquifer treatment (SAT) of conventionally treated sewage effluent typically remove essentially all suspended solids, biodegradable material (BOD) and microorganisms...

Analysis of Hydraulic Impacts at the Tucson Reclaimed Water Recharge Project
The Tucson Reclaimed Water Recharge site has been implemented with increasingly sophisticated calculation methods as data collection efforts advanced. Initial project scoping utilized...

Reclaimed Water System with Artificial Recharge
Arizona cities must reduce water consumption as a result of the 1980 Arizona Ground Water Management Act. Use of reclaimed water in place of potable water for landscape irrigation and...





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