The Hrauneyjafoss Hydroelectric Project in Iceland
The Hrauneyjafoss Hydroelectric Project located in south central Iceland about 100 miles east of Reykjavik was constructed during 1978 to 1982. A maximum gross head of 295 feet is developed...

Power Development at Buffalo Bill Dam
Buffalo Bill Dam is on the Shoshone River in northwestern Wyoming near the city of Cody. The dam is a 325-foot-high concrete arch facility with a crest length of 200 feet. The dam was...

Grand Coulee Pumping/Generating Plant
The paper discusses the Grand Coulee Project history, including a brief review of landmark dates and events. Major general features of the Project are covered, including civil works, mechanical...

Economic Analysis of Hydroelectric Projects
This paper deals with specifics and refinements that develop 'rules of thumb' for analysis of hydro projects. The authors' experience is on sites...

Power Value Determinations
Past and current federal methodology and procedures in power value determinations are presented for consideration by Western Area Power Administration (Western), U. S. Department of Energy...

Economic Analysis of Low Head Hydropower Projects
A typical low head hydropower project is described and used as an example of the effect of tailwater on power generation. The discharge characteristics of upstream facilities, pool regulation...

Hoover Dam Planning, Financing and Repayment
After the original conception of the 'Boulder Canyon Project,' and in the first stage of the work, complete designs and specifications were prepared for the dam,...

Impact of Economic Factors on Development of the Lower Euphrates Basin in Turkey
The case of Lower Euphrates in Turkey represents fairly well the dynamic character of multi-purpose projects with respect to technological developments and changes in economic factors....

Insuring Security Requirements of Power Contracts
Under the fixed, or levelized rate utility contract, utility offers a fixed rate for the life of the contract. In the early years, the rate is in excess of the utility's avoided...

Financing Hydro Projects
STS Consultants, Ltd. is a consulting engineering firm with expertise in the Hydraulics/Hydrology area. Boulevard Bank is a major commercial bank in Chicago, Illinois. This paper elaborates...

Financial Engineering for Small Hydropower Development
Despite the current impact of new tax laws, there are some creative approaches that the engineer and banker can use to assist development teams in successfully completing high-quality...

Current Financing Trends in Hydroelectric Development
The paper presents the author's view of current financing trends in the hydroelectric project development industry. These events are described in the context of the author's...

Issues and Problems in Negotiating Hydro Financing
Two basic approaches have been used to finance privately sponsored hydro projects: a sale-leaseback transaction, and a limited partnership. Both structures involve the transfer of the...

Need for Power Analysis: The Technical, Economic, and Financial Interrelationships
The Susitna Hydroelectric Project is one of the largest hydroelectric projects to be brought before the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) by an applicant seeking the issuance...

Risk Sharing in Project Development
This paper reviews some of the areas in which attention to detail can make the contractual relationship more positive and lead to a better project. Subjects covered include: selecting...

The Diamond Fork Power Development Experience
Federal water development agencies are, to varying degrees, currently seeking financing partnership arrangements with states and other non-federal entities for up-front construction and...

Financing the Town Bluff Hydropower Project
The Town Bluff Dam Hydropower Project is the first new Federal hydropower project to be completely financed by a non-Federal entity where all of the construction funds would be provided...

A Cost-Sharing Alternative for Federal-Private Water Projects
A proposed cost-sharing alternative for financing of a joint Federal-State multipurpose water project is presented. The philosophy of recent and present Federal administrations on non-Federal...

Eminent Domain Under the Federal Power Act: Use by Private Developers to Acquire Small Sites
From the first reported case in 1922 (Alabama Power Co. v. Gulf Power Co. , 283 F. 606 (D. Ala. 1922)), through 1982 (Greenup County By and Through Ousley v. Utilities Comm'n...

Commensurate with the Scope of the Project: Where Does the Project Environment End?
This paper seeks to contribute to a common understanding by considering the definition of project scope in the context of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission regulations governing...





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