Integrated Spreadsheets
A company cannot survive without cash for any length of time. Thanks to number-crunching personal computers and software, forecasting cash flow is greatly simplified. These new management...

A Signature Bridge for Boston (Available only in Structural Engineering Special Issue)
The first hybrid steel and concrete span in America will debut over the Charles River in Boston, carrying ten lanes of interstate traffic and serving as an elegant capstone to the largest...

Braced for Failure (Available only in Structural Engineering Special Issue)
Investigations into the collapse of steel-framed structures often focus on minor, insignificant design flaws, only to ignore the real culprit: inadequate temporary bracing. The collapse...

Full Use of Arching in Deck Slabs (Available only in Structural Engineering Special Issue)
The use of arching concrete deck slabs allows engineers to safely reduce the amount of reinforcement at a significant overall cost savings. Engineers with the Ministry of Transportation...

Ground Water
Protection Alternatives and Strategies in the U.S.A.
Prepared by the Task Committee on Ground Water Protection of the Water Resources Engineering Division of ASCE. This report presents general hydrogeologic...

Denver Airport's Soft Landing
The Denver International Airport and its constructors had to move a lot of earth to make the heavens run so smoothly. For their efforts, they garnered this year's Outstanding...

Road to the Future
Construction of the San Joaquin Hills Transportation Corridor, winner of the 1997 ASCE Outstanding Civil Engineering Award of Merit, resulted in one of the most successful public/private...

Cutting Off Water in Queens
New York's Transit Authority wanted to dig a new tunnel for a Queens subway connection, but first contractors had to wall-off the potentially contaminated groundwater nearby....

On Scour's Frontier
Combing both computer and physical model studies, engineers attempted to assess the scour of a new North Carolina bridge that will bear the brunt of the East coast's worst...

Great Grouts (Available only in Geoenvironmental Special Issue)
Particulate grouting has long posed challenges to those in the geotechnical field. But significant developments in the understanding of hydration and rheology control look promising. Modern...

Computing in Civil Engineering
This proceedings, Computing in Civil Engineering, consists of papers presented at the Fourth Congress held in conjunction with A/E/C/ SYSTEMS...

Geotechnical Baseline Reports of Underground Construction
Guidelines and Practices
For many years, several forms of interpretive geotechnical reports have been incorporated into the Contract Documents for underground construction projects. Based on recent feedback obtained...

Dredging and Management of Dredged Material
This proceedings, Dredging and Management of Dredged Material, consists of papers presented at GeoLogan '97 Conference held in...

Intelligent Civil Engineering Materials and Structures
This report surveys the interdisciplinary research activities focused on the applying new technologies to infrastructure systems. Traditional civil engineering tools are not sufficient...

Unsaturated Soil Engineering Practice
This collection of papers presented at the sessions on Unsaturated Soil Engineering Practice held during the First National Conference of the ASCE Geo-Institute at the Utah State University...

Los Angeles Metro-TBM Starter Tunnels-Mixed Face Conditions
Twin TBM starter tunnerls with mixed face conditions were successfully mined by roadheader with steel rib and shotcrete initial support beneath the Hollywood Freeway. Tunneling and total...

Boston's Central Artery/Tunnel Project: Challenging Problems, Innovative Solutions
Boston's Central Artery/Tunnel (CA/T) Project is the largest, most complex highway project ever undertaken in the United States. Conceived a quarter centrury ago, the project...

Rubber Meets the Road in Maine
Maine design engineers working on a $42 million highway project, faced several settlement problems in the alignment's soft soil. One of their solutions was to use 500,000...

Guidelines for Retirement of Dams and Hydroelectric Facilities
Prepared by the Task Committee on Guidelines for Retirement of Dams and Hydroelectric Facilities of the Hydropower Committee of the Energy Division of ASCE. ...

A Bridge for the 21st Century
The authors write about the cable spinning process used in the Great Belt East Bridge project in Denmark. The bridge, when completed, will be the largest suspension bridge in the world....





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