Water Marketing in California
In one of the world's consummate entrepreneurial environments, a commodity as vital as water is so difficult to buy and sell. Why has water marketing become widely used in...

Estimating Impacts of Irrigation on Streamflow
This paper presents a method for estimating the impact of irrigation withdrawals on streamflows and shows the application of that method to the Kankakee River Basin of Illinois and Indiana....

OMADSS?Operations and Maintenance Advanced Decision Support System
This paper presents a summary of the development of a prototype advanced decision-support system for operation and maintenance of dams and irrigation facilities. To set the development...

Brief Description of Castor Software for Management of Reservoir Systems
The CASTOR group, started in 1984 at Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal (Canada), is a major software development project for an integrated CAD system related to hydro projects. Based on...

Simulation Model for Economic Irrigation Project Planning and Design
The principle design parameters considered are: water supply configurations (quantity, source and storage); shapes and sizes of the area to be served; on-farm irrigation techniques; cropping...

Optimal Allocation of Water for Irrigation and Hydropower
This study examines how hypothetical changes in irrigation practices affect downstream hydropower sites. Dynamic programming and simulation techniques are coupled to determine optimal...

IRSIS, A Software Package for Irrigation Scheduling
IRSIS (IRrigation Scheduling Information System) has been developed to solve problems concerning irrigation scheduling at field level. For a given climate, crop and field it offers the...

Optimal Real-Time Pump and Irrigation Scheduling for Center-Pivot Sprinkler Systems
A comprehensive scheduling algorithm is presented for optimally integrating irrigation and pump operational decisions in center-pivot sprinkler systems. Dynamic programming successive...

Potential Flow Over a Wavy Bed: A Persistent Error
The standard small-amplitude theory of potential flow over a wavy bed is briefly discussed, together with the three special values of the Froude Number which define four different flow...

Modelling of Sand Bars in Coastal Environments
A mathematical model describes the formation of sand bars by progressive wind-generated waves. The model decomposes into several constituents linked together in a two step morphological...

A Method to Treat Incident Wave Condition in Shallow Water Equation
A method to consider open boundary condition of the shallow water equation to analyze water surface wave and tide is employed in the finite element anaysis. This can be done by considering...

Instability of Bed-Surface Composition Due to Sorting Process in a Stream Composed of Sand and Gravel
Wavy patterns of sorting are often observed in a stream composed of sand and gravel, and they are regarded as instability of bed-surface composition due to selective bed-load transport...

Infiltration of Water to the Ground in a Flood-Control Reservoir with Seepage
As storm water management in urban area with increasing amount of runoff, flood-control reservoir with the bed having large permeability to enrich the groundwater is considered. A dynamical...

Comparison of DAMBRK With DWOPER for Computing Water Surface Elevations at Stream Junctions
The National Weather Service computer programs DWOPER (Operational Dynamic Wave Model) and DAMBRK (Dam-break) are one-dimensional models using an implicit finite difference method of solution...

Improved Numerical Analysis of Steady Water Surface Profiles
As well as HEC-2 and similar models serve the profession, problems exist with their application. In general, inflexibility of use and inaccuracies around transitions between subcritical...

Cellular Automaton Simulation of Viscous Free Surface Fluid Dynamics
It has been demonstrated elsewhere that the simple interaction of a two dimensional field of discrete particles traveling on a regular lattice yields large scale behavior closely approximating...

Modeling Variations in Soil Moisture and Streamflow Resulting from Climatic and Land Use Changes
A distributed parameter watershed model IWASCH has been developed to simulate variation in soil moisture and baseflow conditions for agricultural areas in Illinois, resulting from climatic...

Implementation of a Hydrodynamic Model for the Upper Potomac Estuary
A vertically integrated, two-dimensional hydrodynamic/transport model has been implemented for the upper extent of the Potomac Estuary between Indian Head and Morgantown, Md. The model...

Geostatistical Global Estimates and Sampling Design
In the environmental assessment of a contaminated site, several different evaluation criteria could be considered such as: estimation of the overall average contaminant concentration in...

Lower Santa Ana River Hydraulic Design for Levee Overtopping
The purpose of overtopping or freeboard design is to minimize damages and catastrophic failure from floodwaters overtopping levees. This case study is presented to show the approach taken...





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