TN28V High Capacity Cask for the Transport and Storage of Vitrified Wastes
When the option of reprocessing has been selected, closing of the fuel cycle implies the return shipment of reprocessing wastes back to the country of origin of the spent fuel, in particular...

Development of the Engineered Barriers for the Deep Geological Disposal of High-Level Radioactive Waste
Vitrified waste, overpack and buffer material are under research and development as engineered barriers in the deep geological disposal system of high-level radioactive waste. Static leach...

Materials Selection Issues for Structural Components of Transportation Casks
Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) is evaluating the use of alternate materials (i.e. other than stainless steel) as structural components in nuclear spent fuel transportation casks. This...

Experience with Certifying Borated Stainless Steel as a Shipping Cask Basket Material
The original cask designs for a cask demonstration project featured fuel baskets constructed of borated stainless steel (bss) as a structural material. The project is intended to demonstrate...

Volatilization of Cesium and Ruthenium From High-Level Waste Glass
The contamination of the air above high-level waste glass by 134Cs, 137Cs and 106Ru...

A Cost Study of Concrete Production on the Moon
In proposing and evaluating a construction system for a lunar base, the question of cost would be the most important one. Although it is not possible to conduct a detailed cost study at...

Technical Work on Flexible Pipe/Soil Interaction Overview?1990
Research in the laboratory and field have been ongoing for the past seventy years on flexible pipe/soil interaction. Virtually all of the early work was done on steel pipe. During the...

The Great American Pyramid
For more than 50 years officials of Memphis, Tenn. have wanted to establish a link to their Egyptian namesake--and they will, through a pyramid. As opposed to its Egyptian forerunners,...

Design of Steel Transmission Pole Structures
Design of Steel Pole Transmission Structures, ASCE Manual No. 72, provides a uniform basis for the design and fabrication of steel pole structures....

The Future of Steel Structures
The future availability of steel as a construction material is covered in this paper. The advances in the material, design fabrication and erection are discussed. The quality and quantity...

Field Performance of Fiber Reinforced Concrete Highway Pavements
This paper reports the evaluation of field performance of fiber reinforced concrete pavements. The concrete was designed for a compressive strength of about 40 MPa. Steel fibers with hooked...

Bond Stress-Slip Relationships of FRP Rebars in Concrete
A newly developed type of reinforcement bar for concrete, Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic (FRP) rebar, can be used advantageously in concrete exposed to marine or corrosive environments....

Inelastic Stability of Thin Walled Metal Tubes Under Cyclic Loading Conditions
This paper is concerned with an experimental investigation on the inelastic stability behavior of thin-walled tubular specimens of steel, aluminum and stainless steel, under cyclic loading...

Behavior and Strength of Telescopic Steel Shores
To study the load distribution between concrete floors and shores during construction, the non-linear axial load-shortening behavior of a single post shore must be modeled properly. In...

Significance of Yield Surface Corner-Like Effects in Inelastic Stability Solutions
This paper presents the author's experiences with finite element prediction of the inelastic stability of steel plate structures. The implications of linear versus nonlinear...

Instrumenting for Eternity (Almost)
Prendergast describes the safety features and instrumentation for a low level radioactive waste disposal facility planned for Illinois. Federal law requires that each state or group of...

Bibliography of Steel Columns
This book, which was prepared by the Committee on Compression Members of the Structural Division of the American Society of Civil Engineers, attempts to provide a complete bibliography...

Seattle Swing
The swing bridge has long been out of favor in the U.S. because of the navigational hazard presented by mid-channel pivot piers. A consortium of engineers is updating the design to a state-of-the-art...

Replacing Bridge Decks
U.S. bridges last an average of 68 years, their decks 35 years. But few bridges have been built with provisions for future deck repair, the only criterion being lowest first cost. During...

Building Blocks for the Future
In the near term, advanced, conventional materials�namely higher-strength steel and concrete�will dominate infrastructure rehab. New steels of higher strengths and toughness are increasingly...





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