Computer Control for Salt Lake City Water System
In 1978 the Department of Public Utilities in Salt Lake City began to develop a computer system to aid in the operation of the water system. The Department of Public Utilities computer...

Application of Social Science Research Products in Urban Water Resources Planning
Phoenix was spurred to action in 1981 because of the projected depletion of one of its surface water supplies by the summer of 1982. In addressing the projected near-term crisis, it quickly...

The Application of Social Science Analyses to the Problem of Urban Drought
Past drought experiences have shown that extra storage capacity does not necessarily ensure against economic losses related to droughts. Since managers of water systems do not know the...

The Development of Metropolitan Water Markets: Seattle, Washington 1887-1987
This paper applies the case-study approach to examine the development of metropolitan water markets and its implications for central city and suburban water districts. The greater Seattle,...

Design of an Alluvial Channel Relocation in an Urban Environment
The relocation of a three-mile (4.8 km) reach of the Salt River channel in metropolitan Phoenix, Arizona is reviewed. The methods used for hydraulic analysis of this dynamic alluvial channel...

Estimation of Urban Stormwater Quality
Two data-based methods for estimating urban stormwater quality have recently been made available - a planning level method developed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA),...

Unit Hydrograph Relationships for Small Urban Texas Watersheds
Snyder's unit hydrograph methods are used in a HEC-1 multiple sub-area routing model where the sub-area sizes average one to two square miles in size. However, the Snyder's...

Task Committee Activities on Microcomputer Software in Urban Hydrology
This Task Committee of the Surface Water Hydrology Committee has been established with the primary objective of developing an inventory of presently available software and to recommend...

Urban Drainage Calculation Limits for Small Areas
This paper discusses the selection and application of hydrologic techniques in the design of stormwater facilities, with particular emphasis on the selection of hydrologic procedure for...

A Shopper's Guide to Urban Stormwater Software, Revisited
Results of a survey of urban stormwater software were first discussed by the author in August, 1985. A trend toward widespread adoption of SCS procedures as a new standard in urban hydrology...

Elegant Interchange for Tight Urban Spaces
The Seventh St. underpass, which opened in May of 1987, is a multilevel uban interchange crossing I-10 in the center of Phoenix, Arizona. With little right of way available, the interchange...

The Eccentric Entrance
Architects design irregularly shaped buildings to give their clients something different, and this creates problems for structural engineers, especially in earthquake zones. The Brinderson...

What really happened at L'Ambiance Plaza
Even though the National Bureau of Standards has issued its report on the probable cause of failure in the collapse of the L'Ambiance Plaza. there is room for doubt as to...

Habitat and Water Quality Considerations in Receiving Waters
Temporal issues of importance include timing, magnitude, and return frequency of flow conditions as well as duration of exposure (concentration) and return frequency of specific exposure...

Cost-Effectiveness and Urban Storm-Water Quality Criteria
This paper reviews alternative methods of evaluating the effectiveness of investments in urban stormwater quality improvement. Experience in the related area of control of dry-weather...

Long Term Performance of Water Quality Ponds
A report developed under EPA's Nationwide Urban Runoff Program (NURP) describes an analysis methodology and presents graphs and example computations to guide planning level...

Rainfall Analysis for Efficient Detention Ponds
Intensity-duration-frequency analysis of rainfall data is traditionally used for the selection of design storm required to size, storage capacity in detention/retention ponds without consideration...

Monitoring and Design of Stormwater Control Basins
The City of Austin, Texas, has played a pioneering role in the control of urban nonpoint source pollution by enacting watershed and stormwater ordinances, overseeing detailed monitoring...

Water Quality Study on Urban Wet Detention
This paper summarizes results of a monitoring program conducted on three urban wet detention ponds located within the Piedmont region of North Carolina, in the city of Charlotte. Data...

Institutional Aspects of Stormwater Quality Planning
Planning and implementation of programs to control the quality of stormwater runoff in urban areas are carried out within institutional frameworks that directly influence the effectiveness...





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