Water Quality of the Wadden Sea
A brief overview will be given of the different sources of input to the Wadden Sea (rivers, land run-off, atmosphere, dumping). The specific problems encountered in comparing the different...

Shoreline Management of Eastern England
This paper gives a perspective on the length of coastline falling within the boundary of the National Rivers Authority, Anglian Region (NRA) in respect of the shoreline management carried...

Case Studies for Coastal Protection: Dithmarschen; Eider Estuary; Sylt
Three cases along the Ger North Sea coast, north of the Elbe estuary are discussed. Land reclamation by building dikes started in the Dithmarschen-area almost eight hundred years ago....

Trace Metal Distribution in the Sediments of the Bight of Bonny, South Eastern Nigeria
Coastal sediments are important hosts for pollutant trace metals. The concentration and distributions of heavy metals depend on factors such as grain size of sediments, availability and...

Indian River Lagoon Consensus Management, Florida
The Indian River Lagoon, Florida is a bar-built estuarine system extending along forty percent of Florida's Atlantic coast. While one of the earliest mapped features in North America,...

The Saint Lawrence River System, Atlantic Coast of Qu?bec
At the 1:250,000 scale, Quebec has 13 773 km of coasts, 6 772 km of which belong solely to the Saint Lawrence River System. This system can be divided into six portions: river, limnetic...

Holocene Evolution of Deltas on the East Coast of India
Disposition of beach ridges vis-a-vis paleo river courses has helped in recognizing several abandoned delta lobes and reconstructing the stages in the progradation of various deltas on...

The Changjiang (Yangtze) River Delta: A Review
The Changjiang river delta is the best studied one in China in terms of hydrology, sedimentology and evolution history. The construction of Pudong New Area in Shanghai in the 1990s has...

Characteristic of the Yellow River Delta
The yellow river delta is a most unstable delta in the world. The river burst its lowstream bank 1500 times during the last 3000 years, 26 large shifting of the channel as well. The river...

Evolution of the Santee/Pee Dee Delta Complex, South Carolina, USA
The Santee/Pee Dee delta is located on the north-central portion of the lower coastal plain physiographic province of south carolina, USA, which is underlain by pleistocene strand plain...

Humid Tropical Zone Deltas, Their Potential and Limitations for Development: Examples from Java, Indonesia
Monsoonal rivers on Java are responsible for the rapid growth and development of river deltas along the north coast of the island. The climatic and local environmental conditions in these...

Environmental Change in Southern Part of Mekong River Delta and Problems of Territorial Rational Use
Mekong river delta (MRD) is a largest plain in South-East Asia. Its southern part as a peninsula is a recently forming plain with low surface and it has been made up by muddy silt. Last...

Coastal Processes and Management of the Mahanadi River Deltaic Complex, East Coast of India
The Mahanadi river deltaic complex in the tropical climatic setting on the east coast of India has been studied with respect to geomorphology, land use/cover, coastal processes and management....

Effects of Climate Change on Drought Risks in the Apalachicola, Chattahoochee, and Flint River Basin
Possible effects of climate change on the Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint (ACF) River basin is simulated with a computer model. Model inputs are monthly temperature and precipitation...

Flash-Flood Forecasting by Using the HEC1F Model
The application of a lumped conceptual model, the well known HEC1F, for flash-flood forecasting and warning to the Venetikos river basin in Northwestern Greece, is presented. The combination...

Distribution of Flood Volumes Beyond Design Discharges
Quantitative prediction of flood volumes beyond design discharges is important for hydrologic design of river constructions, such as bridges and culverts, because these are the volumes...

Combining Orographic Precipitation and Runoff Models for Improving Reservoir Operations
This paper reports on a study being conducted by the Bureau of Reclamation whose end objectives are improved quantitative precipitation forecast (QPF) for use in hydrologic runoff models...

Travel Time in Mountain Basins
An empirical relationship is developed for estimating travel time in high gradient stream channels with natural beds of large gravel, cobbles and random boulders and which are flowing...

A Potential Problem with Mean Dimensionless Hydrographs at Ungaged Sites
A flood hydrograph for an ungaged stream site can be estimated from a mean dimensionless hydrograph and estimates of instantaneous peak discharge (Q) and total storm runoff volume (V)....

Establishment of a Habitat Monitoring Program to Assess Potential Impacts of Diversion of POTW Effluent
As part of the permitting process for a gas-fired power plant, the environmental impacts of diverting POTW effluent from the receiving water for cooling tower makeup was investigated....





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