Mechanical Design of the Storage Tubes in the HWVP Canister Storage Building
Canisters of high-level waste from the Hanford Waste Vitrification Plant (HWVP) will be stored in an adjacent facility, the Canister Storage Building (CSB). The canisters are stored vertically...

Incorporating Public Outreach in the MRS Design
As the design of the proposed DOE-OCRWM MRS facility progresses, facility layouts that allow for frequent and unhindered viewing of the MRS processes by the public should be developed....

The Use of Technical Specialists in Quality Assurance Audits
This paper provides a nontechnical discussion of the use of Technical Specialists in quality assurance audits by the Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management's Office of Quality...

Remote Spent Fuel Handling in France at the La Hague Cask Unloading Facility
French policy for the back end of fuel cycle is based on spent fuel reprocessing. Irradiated spent fuels are transferred in casks from the nuclear reactors to the reprocessing plant where...

Conceptual Design of a Monitored Retrievable Storage Facility
In order to achieve timely acceptance of spent nuclear fuel into the federal radioactive waste management system and to limit the amount of additional at-reactor storage capacity that...

A Systematic Human Factors Assessment of a Department of Energy Facility
This paper presents the methodology for conducting a systematic human factors assessment of the as-built configuration of buildings at the Rocky Flats Plant (RFP). In support of this effort,...

Mangling the Models: Real-Life Experiences in Voluntary Siting
Social scientists are accumulating a growing body of research to guide the development of communications models for siting controversial facilities. The models developed by our social...

Safety Envelope Input: Nuclear Facility Isotopic Content (NFIC) Management System
The Westinghouse Savannah River Company (WSRC) is aggressively applying environmental remediation and radioactive waste management activities at the U. S. Department of Energy's (DOE)...

Fear of Permanence: The Challenge of Siting Interim Facilities
This paper examines an increasingly urgent and surprisingly difficult task: siting potentially hazardous facilities that are intended to operate for a limited period, such as a Monitored...

Snake River Salmon Recovery Plan Development
The process used by the Snake River Salmon Recovery Team to develop its recovery plan is described. Major conditions affecting fish survival are identified. The Team's approach to evaluate...

Residential Water Conservation and Reuse Demonstration: Casa Del Agua and Desert House
Occupied single-family homes can provide factual data as well as create an active real-world setting for education of the public. The installation of water-efficient fixtures, rainwater...

Dynamic Analysis and Design Considerations for High-Level Nuclear Waste Repositories
This proceedings, Dynamic Analysis and Design Considerations for High-Level Nuclear Waste Repositories, consists of papers presented at the...

NOISE?A Comprehensive Software Library for Highway Noise Analysis
The Noise Software Library is a collection of highway noise analysis software tools that are arranged together under a powerful file management system which provides a transparent method...

Designing in Three Dimensions for Manufacturing Facilities
Du Pont Engineering is using Three-Dimensional Design for the design of our manufacturing facilities. Our 3D design system was used on several projects in 1992, and full implementation...

Knowledge and Information Processing with Drawing Objects in Construction Phase
Knowledge processing by CAD systems poses challenging problems for the efficient integration of design and construction processes. While CAD systems have been applied to various phases...

Finite Element Analysis and Design of Bridges with Applicatrons of ICAD
This paper describes applications of client-server models, interprocess communications (IPC), and concepts of intelligent CAD (ICAD) to the interactive design and analysis of highway bridge...

3D Template of Human Figure for CG Animation in Design
It has become commonplace to use computer graphics (CG) animation in architectural and landscape design. Historically, CG animation has been employed primarily as one of many presentation...

Integrated Resident Management Support
Lack of a common data standard among all construction field offices has added cost to overall U.S. Army Corps of Engineers automation efforts. The creation of a common resident office...

ICPS: Integrated Construction Planning System by Object-Oriented Planning Models
Knowledge processing for integrated building system planning and construction system planning poses challenging problems to integrate design and construction process efficiently. While...

The Design Navigator
A building design system has no bridge the gap between the complexity of the design information, resulting from the artifact itself, the large amount of laws, regulations, and restrictions,...





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